(export FLASK_DEBUG=True,flask run是对于服务器的(因为设置的是服务器的环境变量),而写在代码里的app.debug=True,python manage.py是对应app的(并不知道有没有加载,代码有没有运行)。)在manage.py里面写,无论是app.debug = True还是app.env = 'development'后,使用flask run 后不会带有debugger和reloading...
warnings.warn( Usage: superset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... This is a management script for the Superset application. Options: -e, --env-file FILE Load environment variables from this file. python- dotenv must be installed. -A, --app IMPORT The Flask application or factory function to ...
master .github CTFd docs migrations scripts tests .codecov.yml .dockerignore .flaskenv .gitignore .travis.yml CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTING.md Dockerfile LICENSE Makefile README.md Vagrantfile development.txt docker-compose.yml docker-entrypoint.sh export.py import.py manage.py populate.py prepare.sh...
This extension allow you to export web pages after authentication, and save theme in a mongodb database using a flask api - mnouayti/chrome-extension
Run the Flask application: python app.py Frontend Install dependencies: cd frontend npm install Start the development server: npm start Troubleshooting Common Issues Database Connection Errors Verify database credentials in app.py and historian_processor.py Ensure SQL Server is accessible from the...