2014. "Representing Nature of Science in a Science Textbook: Exploring Author-Editor-Publisher Interactions." International Journal of Science Education 36 (7): 1061-1082.DiGiuseppe, M. (2014). Representing nature of science in a science textbook: Exploring authoreditor-publisher interactions. ...
The questionnaire was administered to science/STEM teachers (n= 75) from different locations in a Canadian province. Participants represented various demographics in terms of the grades taught (elementary and secondary), age groups, teaching experience, and education. Participants included science/STEM...
And it is by no means impossible that the answer to that interrogatory may be thus written: The ABC’s of Science and Mormonism by Mithryn.”–Complete misquote and rehash of the quote by Josiah Quincy, Jr., Figures of the Past, 1883. Which by the way, Joseph Smith Jr. was intervie...
Biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are lacking but would facilitate drug development for the core deficits of the disorder. We evaluated markers
http://camp.ucr.edu/Textbook%20list%202013%20clean.pdf 16Biology/Neuroscience Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain (3Ed ... Chemistry Lab Manual (1LA) 1LA ... Chemistry Lab Survival Manual "3rd edition" 3rd ... course outline '98 - University of Iowa http://.biology.uiowa.edu/syllabus/...
Introduce students to real science with the Exploring the Building Blocks of Science Book 3 Student Textbook. Foundational scientific concepts and terminology are presented clearly and in a manner that's easy for kids to understand. Using this book gives kids a solid base on which to build a ...
and learning by indigenous science as a promising source to enhance students’ perception of the relevance of science learning. It can also promote education for sustainable development. Keywords: context-based learning;socioscientific issues;indigenous science;sustainability;education for sustainable ...
First, collective PCK refers to explicable knowledge of teacher educators, for example, the community of researchers in science education. Second, personal PCK means knowledge held by one individual teacher. Third, enacted PCK refers to knowledge that is only observable in a teacher’s action. ...