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(2020). Surveying pornography use: A shaky science resting on poor measurement foundations. Journal of Sex Research, 57, 722–742. Article PubMed Google Scholar Kohut, T., Fisher, W. A., & Campbell, L. (2017). Perceived effects of pornography on the couple relationship: Initial findings...
Their interest in research is not only challenging due to the complexity of their detection in the record, but also involves finding answers to the energy budget associated with this activity. Both ethnographic and experimental evidence (e.g., Binford, 1978; Outram, 2001; Church and Lyman, ...
Centre for the Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, Christiesgate 13, 5015, Bergen, Norway Mohammad Khalil & Gleb Belokrys GSIC-EMIC Research Group, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain Paraskevi Topali & Alejandro Ortega-Arranz Middle East Technical University, ...
Having answers to such questions provides entrepreneurs with more information about whether the business will get repeatable returns on their investments to better assess their risk of investments into the business. Having investor information related to the business and market sector helps in reducing th...
We propose using a compressed version of the BERT model called bert-base to simplify the training process and show that with a relatively small amount of training data (less than 70 student answers per question), we can achieve high enough inter-rater reliability to assist a human grader in ...
Present address: Primary Health Care Center, Iran University of Medical Science, Shahryar, Iran Authors and Affiliations Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Shirza University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran Paria Baba Ahmadi & Mahsa Ahadi ...