The commonly accepted view is that the Universe is currently in the dark energy dominance era (estimated to start about 5 billion years ago)鈥攖he era where yet unknown dark energy dominates over the gravitation and is responsible for the observed acceleration of the Universe expansion. In the ...
Now that the photon has been emitted and begins its flight, we are purely in a relativistic mode. Einsteins equations for space distortion and time dilation tell us that the path in front of the photon shrinks to zero and the time of flight shrinks to zero as well. This has always raised...
Put simply, all the observational evidence we have points to a universe that began in a hot, dense state, and then expanded at an ever-increasing rate to become the universe we see today. Every measurement of that expansion agrees with this, but where they don’t agree is on what that ...
(a) What is the precise definition of entropy? (b) What is the significance of entropy being a state function? Does the isothermal expansion of a real gas increase, decrease, or have no effect on the entropy of the universe? Explain. ...
include a multiverse are inherently simpler than models which do not, because it requires additional assumptions to restrict the universe to one realization, in the same way that it requires more assumptions to fully-describe the set [1,2,3,4,5] than it does to describe the set of all ...
Being capable of weighing all the facts we collected through the existence of our civilization, we can explain the appearance of our universe and therefore reconsider our own appearance on this planet. All we have to do is to accept the arguments of our ancestors and try to look at the subj...
It is a view that allows consciousness to play a greater, more independent part in the drama of the universe. 19There are those who think that science will evolve this new world picture from within it. The new world view is fully developed already, however, and has existed for some 2700...
The fountain’s thermal energy became kinetic energy, reached extremely high velocities, and became exceedingly cold. During the initial weeks of the flood, the escaping subterranean water’s phenomenal acceleration and expansion were initially horizontal under the crust, then upward in the fountains ...
Lime-induced heave is a process whereby calcium from lime chemically reacts with sulfates within the soil, producing expansive minerals which result in expansion of the limed layer causing surface heave. This paper presents a case study of subgrade heave and offers an alternative explanation of the...
im very new to KH, and I started getting into the fandom last week plus the game. I personally started with KH1, and I like the narrative of the KH universe and how everything falls closely into place. My my question is the following: 1- Is there any canon explanation to Soraâ...