Expansion of the Early Universe Is Modeled in Unprecedented DetailDavide CastelvecchiNature magazine
which suggests that early expansion of the universe took place in a cold phase. In that theory, as the universe took shape, the temperature plummeted before getting reheated again. Their paper was highlighted by the journal as an Editors' Suggestion, which ...
Our knowledge of the equation of state of the quark gluon plasma has been continuously growing due to the experimental results from heavy ion collisions, due to recent astrophysical measurements and also due to the advances in lattice QCD calculations. The new findings about this state may have ...
It is now about 10 years since the evidence, based on Type Ia supernovae, for the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe was discovered. I will discuss some aspects of the work and events in the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP), during the period 1988 to 1998, which led to thi...
That, astronomers say, will bring into view a glimpse of the cosmos never previously seen – dating to just 100 million years after the Big Bang, the theoretical flashpoint that set in motion the expansion of the observable universe an estimated 13.8 billion years ago. ...
我们的宇宙正在变得越来越热early a century ago, scientists worked out that our universe is expanding. More recently, researchers discovered this rate of expansion is increasing as time ticks by. As our universe expands, the galaxies, stars, planets, and all they contain move farther and farther ...
It has been suggested that in the early Universe inflation, i.e. very rapid expansion, occurred. The very early Universe, occurring immediately after the big bang, requires a fundamentally new physics involving the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity theory before it will be ...
09/06/15THE FIRST THREE SECONDS:A REVIEW OF POSSIBLE EXPANSION HISTORIES OF THE EARLY UNIVERSERouzbeh Allahverdi 1 , Mustafa A. Amin 2 , Asher Berlin 3 , Nicolás Bernal 4 , Christian T. Byrnes 5 , M. StenDelos 6 , Adrienne L. Erickcek 6 , Miguel Escudero 7 , Daniel G. Figueroa ...
They could help scientists gauge the expansion of the universe and the effect of dark energy, a mysterious force accelerating that expansion. "Relaxed clusters like SPT2215 are one of the signposts that have been used to measure the expansion of the universe," Stanford University researcher said ...
The distance to the quasar was then determined from observations made with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope and the Gemini North Telescope. Based on how greatly the light from the quasar was stretched during its journey by the expansion of the universe, the scientists estima...