Explanation of Medicare Benefits Explanation of Payment Explanation of Reimbursement Explanation of Report, Written Explanation Of Review Explanation of Significant Differences Explanation of terms used in legal context Explanation-Aware Computing Explanation-Based Neural Networks explanations Explanations of Vampiri...
Explanation Of Benefits Explanation of Benefits Medicare Explanation of Investment Explanation of Medicare Benefits Explanation of Payment Explanation of Reimbursement Explanation of Report, Written Explanation Of Review Explanation of Significant Differences Explanation of terms used in legal context Explanation-...
explanation翻译 explanation翻译基本解释 ●explanation:解释,说明
Consider a type of argument that is familiar in legal scholarship, such a commonplace in fact that its structure may lurk unnoticed in the background by the reader. The argument proceeds like this: (1) Here is some legal doctrine or rule; (2) courts and scholars (or at least my rivals...
文档介绍:民法学中166个名词解释(Explanation of 166 terms in civil law)1. Civil law refers to the sum of the legal norms regulating the property relations and personal relations between natural persons, legal persons and anizations.2, property relationship refers to the economic content formed in...
报关名词解释(Explanationofdeclarationterm) CargoSupervision:referredtoascargo.TheCustomsonbehalf ofthestateintheport,accordingtothe"CustomsLaw"and othernationalimportandexportlawsandregulationsand policysupervisionlegaltoolsofinboundandoutboundgoods andtransportmanagementauthority,foundationisthecustoms dutiesandcomplete...
审计名词解释(Explanationofauditterms) Chapteroneintroduction First,nouninterpretation 1.audit:referstothespecializedagencieswithlegal qualificationsinaccordancewithstateregulations,economic andmanagementprinciple,thesupervisionofthefinancialand economicactivitiesrelatedtofinancialbalanceoflegitimacy, rationality,validityandeffec...
the consideration of the case within the legal deadline and the court provided no reasonableexplanationforthe delay. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 在法律规定的 期限内,并不存在任何客观障碍妨碍本案的审理,而且法院也没有为这一拖延提 出任何合理解释。
审计名词解释(Explanation of audit terms) Chapter one introduction First, noun interpretation 1. audit: refers to the specialized agencies with legal qualifications in accordance with state regulations, economic and management principle, the supervision of the financial and economic activities related to fi...
Explanation of engineering cost terms Chapter 1 1, fixed assets is available for a long time repeatedly used in the process of social production (more than one year), the unit value of more than the prescribed limits, and maintain the basic physical form of the original labor materials and ...