Answer to: Relating to biology, explain the term 'ecosystem service'. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your...
Though this effect alone was modest, it helps constrain the role of factors, such as niche partitioning, that have been difficult to quantify. This improved understanding of biodiversity-productivity relationships has implications for agriculture, biofuel production and conservation....
Soil, water, oxygen, and so on are the natural resources that are essential for life on earth.Answer and Explanation: The decisions made by the current generation will greatly impact future generations. The sustainable use of natural resources, recycling and reusing......
However, unidirectional benefits could be widespread if extreme trait values confer advantages at one end of an environmental gradient, whereas a wide range of trait values are equally beneficial at the other end. Here, we show that root traits explain species occurrences along broad gradients of ...
Conclusions The high importance of soil and topographic variables indicates that the species have a relatively narrow niche driven by such factors, suggesting that conservation strategies should not be generalized for NNFEFs. In addition, dispersal barriers do not seem to have prevented floristic ...
(1) the clarification of the respective effects of the different processes; (2) the use of suitable theoretical methods to combine the respective effects of these processes into a logical comprehensive effect on the PSRR and SRPR; and (3) the use of observed data to verify the derived forms...
Trait Values, Not Trait Plasticity, Best Explain Invasive Species' Performance in a Changing Environment Virginia Matzek* Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, United States of America Abstract The question of why some intro...
To harrow and to plough (plow) were methods of "tilling fertile soil" (old sense of tilling). As such, both terms were used as euphemisms for coitus (or to ravish) as in, "He harrowed his wife." "Harrowing" as a word (not a gerund) means "acutely distressing" as in, "Joe had...
Soil Food Chain:The population of creatures living entirely or in part in the soil makes up the soil food chain. The energy flow between species in an environment is described by the food chain. It defines a complex living system that coexists with the environment, plants, a...
Surface water and groundwater (also known as aquifers) are the two sources where water is found. Learn how the loss of surface and groundwater negatively affects the water supply and how irrigation leads to the soil being salinized. Related...