查询的条件里即 where 之后共使用了 category_id,comments,views 三个字段。那么来一个联合索引是最简单的了。 ALTERTABLE`article`ADDINDEXx ( `category_id` , `comments`, `views` ); 结果有了一定好转,但仍然很糟糕: ***1. row***id:1select_type: SIMPLEtable: article type: range possible_keys:...
1 row in set (0.00 sec) type 变成了 range,这是可以忍受的。但是 extra 里使用 Using filesort 仍是无法接受的。但是我们已经建立了索引,为啥没用呢?这是因为按照 BTree 索引的工作原理,先排序 category_id,如果遇到相同的 category_id 则再排序 comments,如果遇到相同的 comments 则再排序 views。当 comment...
1 row in set (0.00 sec) type 变成了 range,这是可以忍受的。但是 extra 里使用 Using filesort 仍是无法接受的。但是我们已经建立了索引,为啥没用呢?这是因为按照 BTree 索引的工作原理,先排序 category_id,如果遇到相同的 category_id 则再排序 comments,如果遇到相同的 comments 则再排序 views。当 comment...
This comic used to be available as a T-shirt and as a signed print in the xkcd store before it was shut down. add a comment! ⋅ add a topic (use sparingly)! ⋅ refresh comments! Discussion I was sooo amused when I heard about the most common error report when Delphi was ...
查询category_id 为 1 且 comments 大于 1 的情况下,views 最多的 article_id。 先查查试试看: EXPLAINSELECTauthor_idFROM`article`WHEREcategory_id=1ANDcomments>1ORDERBYviewsDESCLIMIT1\G 看看部分输出结果: ***1.row***id:1select_type: SIMPLEtable: article type:ALLpossible_keys:NULLkey:NULLkey_...
assetfinder testphp.vulnweb.com | gau | dalfox pipeRecon subdomains and Screenshot to URL using gowitness[Explaining command] assetfinder -subs-only army.mil | httpx -silent -timeout 50 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'gowitness single @' Extract urls to source code comments[Explaining command] ...
⋅ refresh comments! Discussion "Changeme" made me think of FIXME or TODO of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comment_(computer_programming)#Tags 06:03, 15 January 2020 (UTC) yeah, it's the equivalent but for stuff like passwords 06:42, 15 January 2020 (UT...
Commentseghoff1 commented Mar 30, 2018 Hi there. I am a complete newbie with php and vscode and xdebug. I put in my localSourceRoot and ServerRoot but the Intellisense tells me that it is deprecated and to use pathMappings instead. I have no idea what information to put in the places...
In the previous post we have discussed aboutping command in Linux, which is used to check connectivity (or pint an IPv4 address of node – computer which is connected to the network). Linux ping6 Command To ping the node (network computer) which has an IPv6 address i.e. to pin...
with 2 commentsIf you are building a Yet Another Great Social Network Service to beat MySpace, you'll certainly need to keep a list of friends there, so that Alice may communicate in private with Bob, and they both can show pictures to Chris, and Eve cannot eavesdrop on them and the ...