In HTML a comment's main purpose is to serve as a note to you, the web developer or to others who may view your website's source code. However, PHP's comments are different in that they will not be displayed to your visitors. The only way to view PHP comments is to open the PHP...
This code by Chris Coyier */$i=0;// counter to be used later;?> Comments in PHP can be between /* */ markings (useful for multiple line comments) or after // markings (for single lines only). For example:
PHP comments are lines of code that are not executed by the server, but rather serve as notes for the developer. They are used to explain the purpose of a particular line of code, or to provide additional information about the code. There are two types of comments in PHP: single-line c...
我正在PHP中创建一个CSS生成器,它使用CSSX(是的,他们是我的想法)文件(使用特殊语法)。一个功能是“简短评论”: body { font-family: Georgia; //I really like this font! } 现在我想用/ * ... * / comment替换这个注释,所以输出是这样的: body { font-family: Georgia; /*I really like this font!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin Between =begin and =end, any number of lines may be written. All of these lines are ignored by the Ruby interpreter. =end puts "Hello world!" In this example, the code would execute asHello world!
开发者ID:Nikitian,项目名称:fl-ru-damp,代码行数:59,代码来源:contest.php 示例5: while ▲点赞 1▼ <!-- Comments are closed but keeping code just incase--> <!--<?phpif(comments_open()) {?><sectionclass="comments"> <?phpif(has_comments()){?><ulclass="commentlist"> ...
Java comments are notes in a Java code file that are ignored by the compiler and runtime engine. They are used to annotate the code in order to clarify its design and purpose. You can add an unlimited number of comments to a Java file, but there are some "best practices" to follow ...
PHP Comments byVincy. Last modified on June 29th, 2022. Comments on source code will be useful for denoting the details of the code logic. For example, if we define a function in our program, we should add comment lines to state the parameters passed to the function, what the function ...
在下文中一共展示了Comments::addComment方法的11个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: controller ▲点赞 7▼ publicfunctioncontroller($action){switch($action) {case'login': ...
" id="code" name="code" type="text" value="" autocomplete="off" /><input type="hidden" name="co_num1" value="<?php echo ($comment_num1 + 1);?>" /><input type="hidden" name="co_num2" value="<?php echo ($comment_num2 + 2);?>" /></div></div> ...