支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入 简介:GDP(国内生产总值):是指一个国家(或地区)所有常住单位在...
支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =320+145+170+120+130-120=765 收入法GDP=GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧 NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴 NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入=175+104+140+1...
计算GDP的两种方法,一个是支出法,一个是收入法,他们结果当然是一样的,因为是计算的同一个东西嘛……支出法:C+I+G+NX 收入法:C+S 在只考虑两部门(没有政府部门和对外贸易)时,有恒等式S=I 也就是说,私人的储蓄实际上就是投资。因为私人把钱存在银行里,银行拿去放贷,就是拿去给企业...
Understand what the expenditure approach is. Learn about the expenditure approach and income approach of GDP. Understand with the help of...
How do we know that the calculation of GDP with the expenditure method gives the same result as with the income method? Identify why the gross domestic product calculated by expenditure approach and income approach is the same. Create an economy that consists of one good and intuitively explain...
Expenditure & Income Approach of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from Chapter 4 / Lesson 2 83K Understand what the expenditure approach is. Learn about the expenditure approach and income approach of GDP. Understand with the help of interesting examples. Related...
A substantial portion of household income devoted to productive loans characterizes the majority of Malaysians as the economy progresses to a more advance stage. A significant and strong relationship between income and types of household expenditure is explored from the socio-economic perspectives. Using...
income and expenditure account a summary account of the revenue and running costs ofa non-profit-making concern such as a club or society. It serves the same function as aPROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTin business. Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006 ...
Gross domestic product (GDP) represents the value of all final goods produced and services delivered within the geographical boundaries of a region (city, state, country) in a period (most commonly a year).
1)income and expenditure收支 1.Financial income and expenditure management is the most important aspect of the entire financial management,and is an important part of financial management of hospital.财务收支管理是整个财务管理的首要环节,是医院财务管理的重要组成部分。 英文短句/例句 1.incomings and out...