计算GDP的两种方法,一个是支出法,一个是收入法,他们结果当然是一样的,因为是计算的同一个东西嘛……支出法:C+I+G+NX 收入法:C+S 在只考虑两部门(没有政府部门和对外贸易)时,有恒等式S=I 也就是说,私人的储蓄实际上就是投资。因为私人把钱存在银行里,银行拿去放贷,就是拿去给企业...
支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入 简介:GDP(国内生产总值):是指一个国家(或地区)所有常住单位在...
Understand what the expenditure approach is. Learn about the expenditure approach and income approach of GDP. Understand with the help of...
支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =320+145+170+120+130-120=765 收入法GDP=GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧 NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴 NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入=175+104+140+1...
We can calculate GDP using the income approach or the expenditure approach. The income approach measures the total income that is earned by all the households in a nation. The expenditure approach measures the total amount of spending on goods and services that are produced within the domestic ...
The value-added approach, income approach, and expenditure approach are different ways to calculate national income. They can be used in combination, depending on the concerned income group and sector. The statistics provided by national income accounting can be used by the government to set or mo...
Thirlwall,A.P..The interaction between income and expen- diture in the absorption approach to the balance of payments[J]. Journal of Macroeconomics,1979,vol. 1 (2).THIRLWALL, A. The Interaction between Income and Expenditure in the Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments. Journal of ...
For that, we follow a comparative approach, comparing it with India—a country with a very different pattern in which inequality is much lower for expenditure than for income. We investigate the extent to which the difference between the two countries comes from differences in the composition of...
if a tax-planning strategy would require an expenditure to occur at a certain time, that decision might need to be made relatively quickly. But if a strategy merely required an election to be made with a tax filing, that decision might be able to be made later (as lo...
Quantifying the structure of food demand in China: An econometric approach. Agric. Econ.-Blackwell 2011, 42, 1–18. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zheng, Z.H.; Henneberry, S.R.; Zhao, Y.Y.; Gao, Y. Predicting the changes in the structure of food demand in China. Agribusiness 2019, ...