Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, and other action movie icons unite their testosterone-filled movie sensibilities in The Expendables 2, which hits theaters Augu...Wilson, Jeffrey L2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period....
Whatever the reason, Sony has prepared a pretty nice update for PlayStation fans including The Expendables 2 Videogame, War of the Monsters as a PS2 classic, several full PS3 titles, a trio of PS3 demos, and Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time for the PSP. There’s other assorted goodi...
View the ModDB Expendables Mod for C&C: Yuri's Revenge video RA2 Yuri's Revenge: Expendables Mod - Thor Showcase
Sylvester Stallone hasRambo: Last Bloodcoming this fall, while Arnold Schwarzenegger hasTerminator: Dark Fatecoming in November. The two action stars are still at the top of their game and pulling things off better than people half their age, so anotherExpendablesmovie seems like a no-brainer. ...
doi: Ikari Warriors. AVP. We're talking ol' school action games!Torres, Tim2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period.