The Expendables 2 The Expendablesis a 2010 action film directed by and starringSylvester Stallone. The film is intended to be an homage to the blockbuster action films of the 1980's and early 1990's. Following the success of the film, a sequel,The Expendables 2, was released on August 17...
The Expendables 2: Redonkulousness. By rosstheboss56 I have never seen the original Expendables. I had only ever heard vague rumors about how ridiculous these movies were. I had to see it for myself. So we rolled out and hit up the theater hard for this action-packed massacre of bulle...
He is portrayed by British martial artist actor Jason Statham, who played Jonas Taylor from The Meg films, Deckard Shaw from The Fast and The Furious franchise, Frank Martin in The Transporter trilogy, Lee Christmas from The Expendables series, Jensen Ames from Death Race, Patrick "H" Hill in...
(Bridge to Terabithia‚ Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant) - Gale Hawthorn/Liam Hemsworth. (The Expendables 2‚ The Last Song and Love and Honour). - Haymitch Abernathy/Woody Harrelson. (Zombieland‚ 2012 and Friends With Benefits) - ...
, The Expendables 2, Uncategorized Leave a comment D is for… Double Impact Jan 6 Posted by abcsofaction I wasn’t sure where to go with my next “D” movie, and it was suggested I do Double Impact. The suggestion was then followed by a laugh, so I knew it would be one of ...
在3DM Mod站下载幽浮2最新的The Expendables(敢死队) Mod,由Nuvix制作。diablohuang在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Nuvix Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 2.18 KB 更新时间: 2019-03-20 13:16:34 发布时间: ...
the_expendables = { 101902, 387600, 1 }, -- When your Wild Imps expire or die, your other demons are inspired and gain 1% additional damage, stacking up to 10 times. the_houndmasters_gambit = { 101898, 455572, 1 }, -- Your Dreadstalkers deal 50% increased damage while y...
He has starred in many classic films, ranging from The Transporter to The Expendables, Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre, and even The Fast and the Furious franchise. Through these roles, he has established himself as a timeless figure in the film industry.Jason Statham in Expend4bles I ...
In the 2010s, Aoki's music continued to appear on the silver screen, including in films like the Jonah Hill hit comedy sequel "22 Jump Street" (2014), the Ryan Guzman drama sequel "Step Up All In" (2014) and "The Expendables 3" (2014) with Sylvester Stallone. His work was also ...
Suits over credit- and idea-theft have entangled movies including Titanic, The Matrix, The Expendables, and Kung Fu Panda. And just last November, a nun sued the studios that produced Sister Act almost twenty years earlier, saying they stole her life story – apparently some taboos even the ...