提供解决“expected primary-expression before”错误的步骤或方法 检查语法:确保所有代码都遵循C++的语法规则。特别是检查错误行及其周围的代码。 类型定义与变量声明分离:确保类型定义(如struct、class)与变量声明或初始化分开进行。 移除不必要的关键字:如果错误行中包含了不必要的关键字或保留字,尝试移除它们。 检查逗...
include <cstdlib> include <iostream> using namespace std;int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int number(0);double number1(0);double number2(0);struct Convert { char convert_name[100];double convert_rate;};Convert convert[3] = {{{"yuan to dollar"},0.125},{"dollar to p...
//修改编译错误的办法://所有提示expected primary-expression before '&' token;的地方 //都把ArrayList&删掉 //以及将i和j的赋值语句改为i=list1.elems;j=list2.elems;include include using namespace std;define INIT_SIZE 100 define INC_SIZE 10 //定义一个线性表 typedef struct { int *...
This is the beginning of my code. I am rebuilding as I go along. I am stuck getting the error "error expected primary-expression before ')' token". This error occurs down at lines 45-48, when I am attempting to call the functions. I don't want to get to far and then have more...
Does anyone know how to fix "[Error] expected primary-expression before '.' token" problem? [duplicate] This is the code that I made. #include<iostream>#include<bits/stdc++.h>usingnamespacestd;structAccount{ string username; string password;...
您的程序有比较多的地方有问题,例举几个:1)case '@': ClearStack(S); break; 清空栈后,想再不初始化就再使用?top指针其实编程空指针了。2)什么情况下用变量的使用问题,typedef struct{。。。}SqStack,*S;中的*S,InitStack(S);把S当做全局指针?基础要加强。3)代码修正如下,可以正确...
if( 0 == year % 400 || ( 0 == year %4 && 0 != year %100 ) )
my compiler says expected primary expression before '<<' Sep 27, 2020 at 3:10am kingjulian(1) #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct TempScale { double fahrenheit, centigrade; }; struct Reading { int windSpeed; ...
Error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token May 1, 2022 at 4:37pm izzy531(3) I'm getting this error when running this code #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct staffTWB {...
error: expected expression before ‘struct‘ 一、编译报error main.c:38:25: error: expected expression before ‘memory_node_t’ cur = container_of(n, memory_node_t, rbtree_node); ...error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘int’ 问题描述 问题来源 导入的头文件会原地展开, 也就是说...