提供解决“expected primary-expression before”错误的步骤或方法 检查语法:确保所有代码都遵循C++的语法规则。特别是检查错误行及其周围的代码。 类型定义与变量声明分离:确保类型定义(如struct、class)与变量声明或初始化分开进行。 移除不必要的关键字:如果错误行中包含了不必要的关键字或保留字,尝试移除它们。 检查逗...
int print(struct student) 改为 int print(struct student stu),然后 student.num 改为 stu.num,其余类似修改。. 前面应该是结构变量名,而不是结构类型名。
expected primary-expression before '.' token是指缺少申明,需要申明变量。解决方法:LOG(INFO)的头函数为:logging,新建文件my_dbclient.h my_dbclient.cpp 作为自定义的接口,具体实现如下:my_dbclient.h [cpp] view plain copy #include <iostream> include <vector> include //注意:这里并...
Error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token May 1, 2022 at 4:37pm izzy531(3) I'm getting this error when running this code #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct staffTWB {...
error: expected primary-expression before '.' token Nov 18, 2020 at 8:59am Rileey(2) I keep getting an error trying to call my struct, my assignment for this is to create an organized table of information about the given pets. We were given:...
struct student { int num;char name[30]; //人名不可能是单字符!char sex[5]; //性别,你后面用的%s读、写,就要定义成字符串 float math;float english;float politics;};
expected primary-expression before" b"怎么解决 改过来了,VC6下运行通过。 #include"stdio.h" #include"stdlib.h" struct Fushu { int shi; int xu; }; void pritn(Fushu a) { if(a.xu>0) printf("... 河北腾安无机布防火卷帘门上门安装_价格优惠15833759888 河北腾安生产无机布防火卷帘...
按照C++03,可以写成 struct test_struct testing = {10, 20};但最好是用前一条回答说的,用分离的语句指定各成员变量的值
Its not complete yet, but I want to point something out that is bugging me. At line 56, the error where primary expression is expected before '.' token keeps popping up. Is there a way to fix this problem? I tried adding newAccount in the Tickets() function. but it wasn...
[error] .cpp expected primary-expression before '.' token May 17, 2014 at 9:37pm casper4215 (5) I received this error when I want to compile.It's from function'extract' anyone know how to fix it? :( .cpp expected primary-expression before '.' token this is my code 123456...