因为我使用expand = c(0,0),所以x轴上1.00的最后一个0被截断。今天推文模仿的图片是来自于论文 L...
The volcano plots were then generated using the ggplot2 R package48 with persistence on the x-axis and -log10 p-value on the y-axis. Genes that met the significance criteria were colored in red and those that further met the persistence criteria are labeled with their gene names. ...
whereas the first axis was related to dry phase (or inundation) length (Figure S7b). Using the second ordination axis (NMDS 2), we analysed changes in tree composition as a function of ‘time after first fire’, and based on the estimated...
RNA expression and protein abundance are often at odds when measured in parallel, raising questions about the functional implications of transcriptomics data. Here, we present the concept of persistence, which attempts to address this challenge by combining protein half-life data with RNA expression in...
Parsing and visualizations of the proportions were then realized using tidyverse, reshape2, ggplot2, ggsignif, pheatmap, cowplot and corrplot R packages. We performed survival analyses using survminer and survival R packages. Moreover, we verified CIBERSORTx signatures for each cell-type based on ...
expansion()用来生成scale expansion vectors作为expand参数的值。expansion()接受两个参数mult和add分别对应生成乘性因子和加性因子。 加性参数和乘性参数的区别是:加性参数基于data variable扩展,乘性参数基于axis range进行扩展。 expansion(mult=0,add=0)输入参数:向量,若长度为1,如mult=0.1则range...