In all of the above examples, we have inserted our own subtotal rows with SUM formulas. To have subtotals calculated automatically, use theSubtotal commandwith the summary function of your choice such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, etc. The Subtotal command will not only insert summary...
Hiding a row or rows in this way doesn't add the "+" symbol to the row header area. 2. Alternatively, you can use the "Outline" feature, which is on the Data tab: The shortcut you quote is for using the "Group" button. This essentially groups the rows into ...
Hiding a row or rows in this way doesn't add the "+" symbol to the row header area. 2. Alternatively, you can use the "Outline" feature, which is on the Data tab: The shortcut you quote is for using the "Group" button. This essentially groups the rows into ...
Method 3: AutoFit Rows and Columns Using a Keyboard Shortcut For those who prefer keyboard shortcuts, here's how to AutoFit cells: Step 1:Select the column(s) you want to AutoFit. Step 2:Press the "ALT" key on your keyboard to enable Excel shortcuts. Step 3:While holding down the "...
2. In theRibbon, go to theDatatab, and in theOutlinesection, chooseGroup(or use the keyboard shortcutALT + SHIFT + right arrow). 2. In the pop-up screen, (1)select Columnsand (2)click OK. As a result, we will get a new outline bar, but this time for the columns. ...
TwoRowsTwoColumns TwoWayDataBinding TwoWayEndPoint TwoWayRelay TwoX TXLineage TXMergeJoin TXPrecentageSampling TXRowCount TXRowSampling Tye TyeConfigure TyePlay Type TypeDefinition TypeDefinitionInternal TypeDefinitionPrivate TypeDefinitionProtected TypeDefinitionPublic TypeDefinitionSealed TypeDefinitionShortcut Typ...
restoreExpandedRows();elsecollapseAll(); firstRun =false; } 开发者ID:acucos,项目名称:subsurface,代码行数:25,代码来源:divelistview.cpp 示例11: expandAll ▲点赞 1▼ voidModelDescriptorListWidget::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) { QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel = qobject_cast<QSortFilterProxy...
EvenRows 事件 EventError EventFilter EventInternal EventLog EventLogFailureAudit EventLogSuccessAudit EventMissing EventPrivate EventProtected EventPublic EventSealed EventSession EventShortcut EventSnippet EventTable EventTrigger EventWarning ExcelWorksheetView ExceptionInternal ExceptionPrivate ExceptionProtected Except...
TwoRowsTwoColumns TwoWayDataBinding TwoWayEndPoint TwoWayRelay TwoX TXLineage TXMergeJoin TXPrecentageSampling TXRowCount TXRowSampling Tye TyeConfigure TyePlay Type TypeDefinition TypeDefinitionInternal TypeDefinitionPrivate TypeDefinitionProtected TypeDefinitionPublic TypeDefinitionSealed TypeDefinitionShortcut Typ...
TwoRowsTwoColumns TwoWayDataBinding TwoWayEndPoint TwoWayRelay 2X TXLineage TXMergeJoin TXPrecentageSampling TXRowCount TXRowSampling Tye TyeConfigure TyePlay Tipo TypeDefinition TypeDefinitionInternal TypeDefinitionPrivate TypeDefinitionProtected TypeDefinitionPublic TypeDefinitionSealed TypeDefinitionShortcut Type...