Learn 50 most important excel shortcut keys that streamline data entry, formatting, and navigation, saving you time and boosting your productivity.
Before diving into this shortcut, always: Save your file (Ctrl + S) – always a wise move even though Undo is available. Double-check your selection Look for hidden rows or columns Even though Undo is available, there’s no harm in taking a backup first. It can save you hours of reg...
Excel always inserts a new row above another. We can use theInsertandDeletecommands to insert or delete a row or multiple rows respectively. The process ofadding rows or columnsis pretty much the same. Insert Row or Rows To insert a new row above another row, you need to select the lowe...
Discover time-saving Excel techniques to group, collapse, and expand rows & columns across all worksheets simultaneously. Streamline your spreadsheet organization with these power-user tricks.
Click and hold theleft mouse button. Drag themouse pointerup or down to select the desired number of rows. Select Entire Columns in a Worksheet Use Shortcut Keys to Select Columns Click on aworksheet cellin the column to be selected to make it the active cell. ...
As you can see, theText to Columnswizard requires multiple steps to complete the task. If you need a simpler method, theSplit Cellsfeature ofKutools for Excelis highly recommended. With this feature, you can conveniently split cells into multiple columns or rows based on a specific delimiter,...
Expanding on the same concept, you can select all rows above, to the right, or to the left of a given row using keyboard shortcuts. To achieve this, combine theUp,Right, orLeftarrow keys with theCtrl + Shiftshortcut. For example, to selectall rows above, holdCtrl + Shift + Up Arro...
Double-click on the cell and use the "Alt + Enter" shortcut. This shortcut will allow you to add rows of data to the cell. Now, press the "Enter" button after adding all the important information to close the "Edit" mode on the selected cell. ...
Insert new columns after every other column Insert a New Column in an Excel Table Insert a New Column (Keyboard Shortcut) Suppose you have a dataset as shown below and you want to add a new column to the left of column B. Below is the keyboard shortcut to insert a column in Excel:...
AutoFit columns and rows by using the ribbon Keyboard shortcut to auto fit column width and row height Excel AutoFit not working Alternatives to AutoFit in Excel Excel AutoFit - the basics Excel's AutoFit feature is designed to automatically resize cells in a worksheet to accommodate different siz...