使用Docker Compose: 如果你正在使用Docker Compose来管理多个容器,可以检查docker-compose.yml文件中的服务配置,确保每个服务都有适当的重启策略和其他配置选项。 总之,"docker exited with code 0"通常表示容器已经正常结束运行。如果你对容器的行为有疑问,可以通过查看日志、检查Dockerfile和Docker Compose配置来进一步了解...
问题:运行docker-compose up后,Ubuntu镜像构建成功,但是又马上退出并显示exited with code 0 原因:docker容器执行任务完成后就会处于exited状态 解决: 1. 在 yml 文件的 Ubuntu镜像参数中加上stdin_open: true | tty: true这两行参数,代码如下(最后两行),其中stdin_open相当于run命令中的-d,其中tty相当于run命令...
但 docker-compose up的时候,总是提示 msgserve_web_1 exited with code 0 Killing msgserve_redis_1 ... done 容器状态 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8a60af07101b cfanbo/swoole4_php7:v1 "docker-php-entrypoi…" Less than a second ago Exited (0) 13 seconds ago msg...
补充知识:docker-compose 通过sh命令启动nginx 容器⾃动退出exited with code 0 docker-compose使⽤的模板⽂件中有通过entrypoint或者command参数设置容器启动⾃动执⾏sh命令开启nginx服务,但是docker-compose up后容器⾃动退出了 nginx-web1 exited with code 0 nginx-web2 exited with code 0 nginx-web3...
docker-git-container: image: docker-git Now, As Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are created I gave the following command $ docker-compose up --scale docker-git-container=3 The above command created 3 containers but, I am not able to enter into the container with the following command ...
docker启动报错:Job for docker. service failed because the control process exited with error code 1、在使用systemctl start docker时,一直报错,如下图。 2、修改文件名 mv daemon.json daemon.conf 3、重启docker,无报错代表已经成功。 systemctlrestart docker ...
My docker compose The YML file is as shown above. When I execute docker compose up, I will be prompted attaching to easywoole easywoole exited with code 0. How can I solve it meyay(Metin Y.)January 6, 2022, 7:09am2 If the image is build according the description inDocker Hub, it...
Dockers Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code,这个问题,我也看了好多帖子:产生的原因就是版本问题,linux版本和docker版本不匹配。显然你在安装完docker它会给你报需要依赖什么什么
ob for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. 解决办法:vi /etc/sysconfig/docker -enabled=false 如图 再次启动 # systemctl restart docker...
ob for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. 解决办法:vi /etc/sysconfig/docker -enabled=false 如图 再次启动 # systemctl restart docker...