当一个Docker容器退出时,会返回一个退出代码(exit code),该代码指示容器的退出状态。以下是一些常见的Docker容器退出代码以及其可能的含义和处理方法: 0:表示容器正常退出。这通常意味着容器成功完成了其任务并且退出时没有发生任何错误。在这种情况下,可以安全地关闭和删除容器。 非零代码:表示容器异常退出。这可能是...
Docker-compose是一个用于定义和运行多个Docker容器的工具,可以通过一个单一的配置文件(docker-compose.yml)来管理和组织容器。当容器退出时,会返回一个退出代码(exit code)来表示容器的退出状态。在本问题中,容器的退出代码为0,表示容器正常退出。 容器退出代码是一个整数值,通常用于指示容器是否成功完成任务或发生了...
仅当它正常退出且退出代码为0时才重新启动。我在脚本的文件夹中创建了ecosystem.config.js,并填充了以下内容: module.exports = { name : "My script",/index.js", }] } 因此,当我使用process.exit(2)时,它应该会停止自动重启。console.lo 浏览142提问于2021-09-08得票数 1 ...
Docker-compose version 1.8.0 OSX Yosemite issue description I'm trying to run a container using docker-compose via docker-compose.yml files but the process seems to start up the container and exits with a code 0 when running the commanddocker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose...
"State":{"Status":"exited","ExitCode":0,...} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 其中,ExitCode为容器退出时的返回码,0 通常表示正常退出,而其他代码表示错误或异常情况。 检查容器配置和环境: 某些情况下,容器的配置或环境变量可能会导致其意外结束。例如,如果程序依赖于某些环境变量而这些变量未配置,将会导致应用启动...
(often defined with a combination of ENTRYPOINT and CMD) and then exit (cleaning up the launched container after). We use that for all sorts of things, for example, ephemeral Jenkins agents, infrastructure build tools like Packer and Terraform, and so on. You haven’t described what your ...
I have tried with the latest version of Docker Desktop I have tried disabling enabled experimental features I have uploaded Diagnostics Actual behavior When running a docker image it will immediately exit after running with exit code 0. ...
Exit Code 1: Indicates failure due to application error Indicates that the container stopped due to either an application error or an incorrect reference in Dockerfile to a file that is not present in the container. An application error can be as simple as “divide by 0” or as complex as...