The test script runs a function called check_forked. This checks to see the OS version. On my 14.04 and 15.04 this results in the script exiting with an error code 2 and no output. This is the same output as when running form cmd (see be...
Fatal Error: com.docker.backend cannot start Exit code 2 Reproduce This happens regularly on DDEV's automated testing on macOS. This one is on amd64. Expected behavior It shouldn't crash. docker version Client: Cloud integration: v1.0.33 Version: 24.0.2 API version: 1.43 Go version: go1....
当一个Docker容器退出时,会返回一个退出代码(exit code),该代码指示容器的退出状态。以下是一些常见的Docker容器退出代码以及其可能的含义和处理方法:1. 0:表示容器正常退出。这...
A non-zero exit code is returned for invalid configuration files. $ dockerd --validate --config-file=/tmp/valid-config.json configuration OK $ echo $? 0 $ dockerd --validate --config-file /tmp/invalid-config.json unable to configure the Docker daemon with file /tmp/invalid-config.json:...
2. 3. To build and run the container: $dockerbuild-thello-world.$dockerrun hello-world 1. 2. In this case, the container will exit with code 0, indicating a successful execution. 2. Exit Code 1: General Errors Exit code 1 is a general error code that indicates an unspecified error ...
现在看一个关于 cat 的异常以及它的 exit code 与系统调用 $ cat a cat: a: No such fileordirectory# -e 代表只显示 write 与 exit_group 的系统调用$ strace -e write,exit_group cat awrite(2,"cat: ",5cat: ) =5write(2,"a",1a) =1write(2,": No such file or directory",27: No ...
Docker Compose v2.7.0 Docker Compose "Cloud Integrations" v1.0.28 Kubernetes v1.24.2 Go 1.18.4 Bug fixes and enhancements For all platforms Added the Container / Compose icon as well as the exposed port(s) / exit code to the Containers screen. Updated the Docker theme palette colour values...
docker ps -q 退出容器 exit 容器停止退出 ctrl+P+Q 容器不停止退出 启动容器 docker start 容器ID或者容器名 重启容器 docker restart 容器ID或者容器名 停止容器 docker stop 容器ID或者容器名 强制停止容器 docker kill 容器ID或者容器名 删除已停止的容器 docker rm 容器ID 一次性删除多个容器 docker rm -f...
' fi EXITCODE=1 echo " $(wrap_color '(see' yellow)" fi if [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled 2> /dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then echo -n '- ' if command -v apparmor_parser &> /dev/null; then wrap_good 'apparmor' '...
Error(self._pool,None,'Read timed out.')urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError:HTTPSConnectionPool(host='',port=443):Read timed out.The command'/bin/sh -c pip3 install tensorflow==1.8 -i'r eturned a non-zero code:2...