教程VBA中Exit语句知多少 01 写在前面 学习过编程语言的小伙伴都知道,某些逻辑并不都是一条道走到黑的,到一定时候需要果断终止和退出,这样可以降低资源占用时间,提升程序运行的性能,VBA中的Exit语句的作用就在于此。 会用到Exit的主要是循环(Do…Loop块、For…Next)、函数(Function)和过程(Sub),表示方法分别为:...
exit do ' 用在do loop 循环里 exit for ' 用在 for next 循环里 exit sub ' 用在sub里 exit function ' 用在function里 exit propperty '?? 1.2 错误的用法 exit '不能单独使用 exit if '一般并没有必要跳出 if 吧 2 exit for 只会跳出本层循环 2.1 正常2层循环 Sub ponymatest1() For i = ...
在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)中,Exit语句用于退出循环、函数、子程序(Sub)或属性过程(Property)。根据你的问题,我们主要关注如何使用Exit语句来退出程序或子程序。以下是关于如何使用Exit语句退出VBA程序的详细解答: 理解VBA中Exit语句的用法: Exit Do:退出Do...Loop循环。 Exit For:退出For...Next循环。
(1, 1) = x 39 If x = 5 Then 40 Exit For 41 End If 42 Next x 43 44 Range("b1") = 100 45 End Sub 46 '4、Exit do 47 Sub e3() 48 Dim x As Integer 49 Do 50 x = x + 1 51 Cells(1, 1) = x 52 If x = 5 Then 53 Exit Do 54 End If 55 Loop Until x = 100 ...
“Do”必须以匹配的“Loop”结束 XML 属性“attributeName”重复 此转换运算符的参数类型或返回类型必须属于包含类型 元素缺少结束标记 元素名称不能使用“xmlns”前缀 “Else”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “ElseIf”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “End AddHandler”前面必须是匹配的“AddHandler”声...
Next i Debug.Print "Execution ended at " & i End Sub Output: Example 2: In this example, the same condition is placed before all other statement(s) in the “For” loop. This causes the current iteration also to be skipped while the condition is met. ...
Set up infinite loop.ForI =1To1000' Loop 1000 times.MyNum = Int(Rnd *1000)' Generate random numbers.SelectCaseMyNum' Evaluate random number.Case7:ExitFor' If 7, exit For...Next.Case29:ExitDo' If 29, exit Do...Loop.Case54:ExitSub' If 54, exit Sub procedure.EndSelectNextILoopEnd...
42 Next x 43 44 Range("b1") =100 45 End Sub 46 '4、Exit do 47 Sub e3() 48 Dim xAs Integer 49 Do 50 x 1= x + 51 1Cells(, 1) = x 52 If x =5Then 53 Exit Do 54 End If 55 Loop Until x =100 56 Range("b1") =100 ...
42Next x 43 44 Range("b1") = 100 45End Sub 46'4、Exit do 47Sub e3()48Dim x As Integer 49Do 50 x = x + 1 51 Cells(1, 1) = x 52If x = 5Then 53Exit Do 54End If 55Loop Until x = 100 56 Range("b1") = 100 57End Sub 代码2:分⽀及跳转⽅法 1Option...
If, however, the For...Next loop is stand-alone, program execution continues with the first line of code after the Next statement. Exit Function Exits the current function. Program execution is passed to the line following the call to the function. Exit Property Exits the current property ...