Here it is. This time all the iterations of the “For” loop were executed successfully. Still, the available flag remained as “False” as the item was not found in the catalog and the if condition was never met. Because of this, after the loop was executed fully, the last condition ...
教程VBA中Exit语句知多少 01 写在前面 学习过编程语言的小伙伴都知道,某些逻辑并不都是一条道走到黑的,到一定时候需要果断终止和退出,这样可以降低资源占用时间,提升程序运行的性能,VBA中的Exit语句的作用就在于此。 会用到Exit的主要是循环(Do…Loop块、For…Next)、函数(Function)和过程(Sub),表示方法分别为:...
exit do ' 用在do loop 循环里 exit for ' 用在 for next 循环里 exit sub ' 用在sub里 exit function ' 用在function里 exit propperty '?? 1.2 错误的用法 exit '不能单独使用 exit if '一般并没有必要跳出 if 吧 2 exit for 只会跳出本层循环 2.1 正常2层循环 Sub ponymatest1() For i = ...
Loop End Sub 根据特定标准退出循环时,可使用Exit 语句。它可以同时用于Do...While和Do...Until或for循环。单看exit 就是有点出来混迟早都要还的那种霸气感觉。 exit阻止你一条道走到黑的那种,到一定时候需要果断止损和退出,再做决定运行,VBA中的Exit语句的作用就在于此,直男最爱exit。还是那话,有出场,就有...
Exit For Provides a way to exit a For loop. It can be used only in a For...Next or For Each...Next loop. Exit For transfers control to the statement following the Next statement. When used within nested For loops, Exit For transfers control to the loop that is one nested level abo...
s(3)即使所得的4个字符串 Dim s(3) As String Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Long Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 3 Do VBA.Randomize a = Rnd * 1000 Loop Until a > 9 And a < 99 s(i) = CStr(a) + "*"Debug.Print s(i)Next End Sub ...
Exit For 语句出现在 For 循环之外。Exit For 只在 For 或 For Each 语句和对应的 Next 语句之间有效。**错误 ID:**BC30096更正此错误确保Exit For 之前有一个有效的 For 或 For Each 语句,之后有一个有效的 Next 语句。 验证For 循环中的其他控制结构是否正确终止。
Function3233'3、Exit for34Sube2()3536DimxAsInteger37Forx =1To10038Cells(1,1) =x39Ifx =5Then40ExitFor41EndIf42Nextx4344Range("b1") =10045End Sub46'4、Exit do47Sube3()48DimxAsInteger49Do50x = x +151Cells(1,1) =x52Ifx =5Then53ExitDo54EndIf55LoopUntilx =10056Range("b1") =...
1. How do you break an endless loop in VBA? To break the infinite loop in VBA, the Exit For statement is used. It is used in the For loop, Do…While or Until…loop too. 2. How do you break out of a For loop in VBA? You can exit a For loop, using Exit For command. When...