Examples of the “Exit For” Statement in the “For” Loop Example 1: In the same piece of code where we are trying to print numbers from 5 to 55, I have inserted a condition to exit/break the loop when the iterator value is 10. So, after printing the value 10, the condition is ...
Exit Do 将控制权转移给 Loop 语句之后的 语句。在嵌套的 Do...Loop 语句内使用时,Exit Do 将控制权转移给发生 Exit Do 的循环的上一嵌套层中的循环。 Exit For: 提供一种退出 For 循环的方式。它只能用于 For...Next 或 For Each...下一 个循环。Exit For 将控制权转移给 Next 语句之后的语句。在...
Exit For Provides a way to exit a For loop. It can be used only in a For...Next or For Each...Next loop. Exit For transfers control to the statement following the Next statement. When used within nested For loops, Exit For transfers control to the loop that is one nested level abo...
“Do”必须以匹配的“Loop”结束 XML 属性“attributeName”重复 此转换运算符的参数类型或返回类型必须属于包含类型 元素缺少结束标记 元素名称不能使用“xmlns”前缀 “Else”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “ElseIf”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “End AddHandler”前面必须是匹配的“AddHandler”声...
Exit For 陳述式出現在 For 迴圈之外。Exit For 必須位於 For 或 For Each 陳述式和對應的 Next 陳述式之間才有效。錯誤ID︰BC30096若要更正這個錯誤請確定有效的 For 或 For Each 陳述式是在 Exit For 之前,而且之後有一個有效的 Next 陳述式。 驗證For 迴圈內的其他控制結構是否正確地結束。
Step 2: Provide the value for x from 1 to 10.Step 3: Now let us use the IF loop for inserting serial numbers from 1 to 10 in a loop. For this, we use the statement – If Cells(x, 2).Value = “”.Then, each value of x is multiplied by 5. – Cells(x, 2).Value = x ...
VBA offers numerous methods to manage the movement of runtime control in our code. For example: Loops like For, foreach,do until, while Statements like “Exit for”, “Exit do” If conditions with a variety of structures like simple if,else if,nested if ...
Guide to VBA Break For Loop. Here we learn how to Exit/break VBA for Loop along with step by step examples and downloadable excel template.
Exit Statement Syntax Exit Do Exit For Exit Function Exit Property Exit Sub Description Prematurely exits a block of code. Rules at a Glance Exit Do Exits a Do...Loop statement. … - Selection from VB & VBA in a Nutshell: The Language [Book]
表达 一个代表“FormField”对象的变量。备注一个REF 域可用来引用窗体域中的内容。 例如,{REF SubTotal} 引用由 SubTotal 书签标识的窗体域。示例本示例在退出 Form.doc 中的窗体域时可以自动更新对该域的引用。VB 复制 Dim ffLoop As FormField For Each ffLoop In Documents("Form.doc").FormFields ff...