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VBA入门第十一讲:跳出for循环-exit for #vba教程 #编程入门 #excel教学 #知识分享 - 老付教你玩转EXCEL于20220914发布在抖音,已经收获了3.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
示例: (2)、Exit结束语句:Exit语句用于强制退出Do-Loop、For、Function函数、Sub过程或者Property等代码块,该语句只有结合其他关键字才可发挥作用。End语句和Exit语句都可以用于结束语句,但它们之间存在较大的差异,其意义差别很大。Exit关键字Function、Sub或者Property关键字结合使用时表示程序运行到此时将发生跳转,语句块...
It is used in the For loop, Do…While or Until…loop too. 2. How do you break out of a For loop in VBA? You can exit a For loop, using Exit For command. When the code reaches to Exit For statement, it will exit the For loop and will continue with the next line after the l...
In this example, the same condition is placed before all other statement(s) in the “For” loop. This causes the current iteration also to be skipped while the condition is met. Sub for_loop_demo() ' declare a variable Dim i 'Loop to print all numbers from 5 to 55 ...
請勿混淆Exit語句與End 語句。Exit不會定義結構的結尾。 範例 此範例會使用Exit語句來結束For...下一個循環,執行...迴圈和子程式。 VB複製 SubExitStatementDemo()DimI, MyNumDo' Set up infinite loop.ForI =1To1000' Loop 1000 times.MyNum = Int(Rnd *1000)' Generate random numbers.SelectCaseMyNum...
. Compile error: end if without block if\" or 'Compile error: next without block for\". \" or '\".
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