If you achieve your weight loss goals, you have a lot to be proud of. You should take time to properly celebrate and appreciate this accomplishment. However, you also need to continue to exercise in order to maintain this weight loss and new healthy lifestyle. This is where a lot of peo...
A good rule of thumb is to start with a diet that’s willing to go the extra mile to help you prepare and understand the nutrition that’s going to be affecting your weight and your life. Any diet that’s unwilling or unable to do that generally isn’t going to be worth the time ...
Stair climbing works the glutes, calves, hamstrings and quadriceps to tone the entire lower body and burns hundreds of calories per hour. An article inHarvard Health Publishingstates that a 155-pound person can burn over 220 calories with only 30 minutes of stair climbing2. Stair climbing is a...
Canadian researchers found that men and women who cranked out four 30-second full-on (fast and as hard as possible) sprints (with four minutes of rest or easy pedaling between efforts) on exercise bikes, three times a week reaped identical fitness gains to those who pedaled two hours at ...
Most people who play any sport regularly have stories to tell of calves or Achilles heels tearing or snapping. Apparently it sounds like a gun shot. Now the Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, so not easily torn. This means there was one tremendously tight calf muscle that...
Say hello to a thriving gut and vibrant health—starting today! JOIN US! Unlock VIP Status! Claim your FREE 1-Week SlimDown eBook now! Subscribe today for immediate access to the best tips and powerhouse workouts for lightning-fast weight loss. Join us and let’s dive into this ...
Secondary muscles:Quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves Equipment:No equipment Sumo Squat Instructions 1. Stand with your feet in a wide stance and with your toes pointing out to the sides. 2. Lower yourself by bending your knees and pressing your hips back. ...
exercise. Your cardiovascular system also benefits from this exercise by helping to improve your stamina and endurance while strengthening your heart and lungs. If your goal is to slim down your lower body, then jumping lunges are an excellent choice for tightening and toning your thighs and butt...
Using proper form and posture on the stationary bike can help you to maximize the muscle development in your glutes, thighs and calves. Adjust the seat so that your knee remains slightly bent at the bottom of the pedal rotation. Develop a push-pull pattern to fully engage your hamstrings and...
Primary muscles:Quads, hamstrings, calves Secondary muscles:Abs, glutes, arms, back Equipment:No equipment High Knees Instructions 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Face forward and open your chest. 2. Bring your knees up to waist level and then slowly land on the balls ...