BINGO WINGSTHE upper-arm muscle -- or tricep -- is an area where many women begin to accumulate a little more fat than they feel is acceptable -- a problem referred to euphemistically as 'bingo wings'.People often believe exercises that target specific muscle groups can help by firming and...
With bingo wings exercise there is nothing to worry about when you are trying to lose arm flab toning those upper arms. Here is an exercise you can do in secret to hammer down on upper arm flab and bingo wings.Quick Exercise >> What is the best exercise for bingo wings? Which is it?
Flabby backs of arms – bingo wings/dinner ladies arms/batwings – this is caused by another reason to do with hormones and has nothing to do with muscle imbalance. To reduce fat on the backs of the arms, the male androgens need to be increased (both men and women have male hormones ...
I thought back to when I was a child. Though I am barley an adult now at the ripe old age of 13. The times growing up of wanting to be a superhero and chase boys down to the playground and kissing frogs to see if they were a prince woe is me though for those times are gone a...