So I went back to the ballet barre exercises I'd learned as a child.I also accepted every invitation for social dancing that came my way, such as Scottish ceilidhs, a swing party and a girls' night out at a salsa club, at which we sat around and watched all the men make beelines...
不論體態是否纖細,手臂缺少肌肉的人,都容易有蝴蝶袖的問題,鬆弛的肉肉讓你看起來更大隻以外,這也是身體老化的開始喔!渱棠老師教大家用4個皮拉提斯動作,消滅那不能飛的翅膀。 掰掰袖會形成,第一個原因是肥胖,再來就是老化了,而身體的老化會從背部開始,當背肌無力,手臂肌肉也會受到影響喔!要解決以上2個問題,運動...