DX12 有一个函数,叫做ExecuteIndirect,功能是: (1)将一组由CPU指定的命令 (2)用由GPU指定的参数 (3)执行由GPU指定的次数 这个函数给予GPU定制命令的能力,利用它可以在GPU端实现视锥体剔除。 ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ExecuteIndirect 的声明如下: virtualvoidSTDMETHODCALLTYPEExecuteIndirect( _In_ID3D12CommandS...
应用使用 ExecuteIndirect 方法执行间接绘制/调度。语法C++ 复制 void ExecuteIndirect( [in] ID3D12CommandSignature *pCommandSignature, [in] UINT MaxCommandCount, [in] ID3D12Resource *pArgumentBuffer, [in] UINT64 ArgumentBufferOffset, [in, optional] ID3D12Resource *pCountBuffer, [in] UINT...
This sample demonstrates how to generate dynamic GPU workloads using the graphics command list's ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ExecuteIndirect API. In this sample, a large number of triangles animate across the screen, and a compute shader is used to determine which triangles are visible. The draw ...
Here's the exact code I'm using in the D3D12ExecuteIndirect sample: D3D12ExecuteIndirect.h: http://pastebin.com/w1iCGaiD D3D12ExecuteIndirect.cpp: http://pastebin.com/aZv54ug4 I've split up the rendering into two ExecuteIndirect-calls with separate pipeline states. The ...
Hi Everyone, I was trying to implement ExecuteIndirect API with DX12 and noticed some strange behaviour w.r.t Index format specification. If I generate command list normally with IASETINDEXBUFFER( with index format r16_uint), everything ...
我们先创建一个 js 文件,我们用记事本就好了,然后改个文件名,不妨就叫crash-cheat.js吧,你们可以随意! 然后把文件放到 source 文件夹的 js 文件夹的 src 里面。(我用的 next 主题,放这里统一存放,其他主题随意)
I did not yest tried to isolate what exactly is the problem because the tablet freeze, and my only way to recover is to hold the power button up to an hard shutdown, very unconvenient, without the ExecuteIndirect call, the sample runs fine but obviously miss the point. The command sig...
Execute Indirect 功能与用法 DX12 有一个函数,叫做ExecuteIndirect,功能是: (1)将一组由CPU指定的命令 (2)用由GPU指定的参数 (3)执行由GPU指定的次数 这个函数给予GPU定制命令的能力,利用它可以在GPU端实现视锥体剔除。 ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::ExecuteIndirect 的声明如下:...
Running sample code using ExecuteIndirect crashes the driver and aborts the application. Tested using the 'Asteroids' demo [intel]: https://github.com/GameTechDev/asteroids_d3d12 (toggle ExecuteIndirect with key) Tested using the 'MiniEngine/Microsoft Samples : D3D12ExecuteIndi...
a large number of triangles animate across the screen, and a compute shader is used to determine which triangles are visible. The draw calls for those triangles are then aggregated into a buffer that is processed by the ExecuteIndirect API so that only those triangles are processed by the gr...