Creators cannot use private entries properly when using the execute command.ExpectedThe hash feature supported with the scoreboard command is recognized by the execute command and any other possibly affected commands.Source
/execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> entity <target: target> [chainedCommand: executechainedoption_0] Runs a command if (or unless) a selector returns at least one matching entity. If/unless score /execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> score <target: target> <objective: ScoreboardObjective...
0}] actionbar §l§o§e关闭§b成功replaceitem entity@aslot.hotbar 8 snowball 2 0 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_slot"}}title@a[scores={菜单=2}] actionbar §l§e『Snowball §bMenu』 §l§o§c□返回主城 §a■设置重生点 §c□重新开始 □改为生存 ◆§l§d抬头确认 低头...
/summon minecraft:armor_stand /summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"Named\""} /scoreboard objectives add counter dummy /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar counter /scoreboard players set @e counter 10 Run the following stacked/executecommand which should affect thecounterobjective ...
循环无条件(延迟20) execute as @e[name=爆炸,type=armor_stand] at @s run scoreboard players add @s 爆炸时间 -1 循环无条件 execute as @e[name=爆炸,scores={爆炸时间=..0},type=armor_stand] at @s run /particle minecraft:dragon_death_explosion_emitter ~ ~ ~ ...
对于想测量两点之间距离或两实体之间距离的人,本方法可以做到测量这些数据,但我下面展示的图片中的指令不适用于多人同时测或多个实体同时测。同时测可以做到但方法我就不讲了,以下图片只证明可以做到,具体实现方式还请多多动脑思考 。 此外,视频里展示的二分法测坐标方式在降低负荷方面还有优化空间,利用优化后的原理也...
新版本雪球菜单指令(网易可用)聊天栏输入:/scoreboard objectives add e dummy命令方块里输入:1、replaceitem entity @a slot.hotbar 8 keep snowball 5 0 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_slot"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}}2、execute at @e[type=snowball] as @p run scoreboard players ...
的世界指令吧 baoyuejiaozhu 求助这个execute为啥执行失败execute as @a run scoreboard players operation @s 血量 < @s 最大血量 提示我说将scoreboard执行为(玩家名)失败 分享1赞 hellominecraftlaun...吧 雨雾暗夜 我的世界登录错误[13:29:42] [AWT-EventQueue-0/INFO] Start generating launching command.....
objective:ScoreboardObjectives operation: compareoperator origin: target The target of the command to execute. Must be a player name ortarget selector. pitch: rotation Up-and-down rotation of the command position: x y z: position Avectorof where to run the command from. ...