IQIBUTIL supports the following EXEC statement PARM keywords in addition to the standard IEBCOPY parameters: AGE=age Directs IQIBUTIL to restrict member selection by most recent update date, stored in the user data of a directory entry containing standard ISPF statistics data. The age value is...
伺服器 JCL 中的 EXEC 卡建議將下列定義新增至 z/OS® Explorer 伺服器 JCL 中的 EXEC 卡。REGION=0M REGION=0M 建議用於 RSE 常駐程式和「JES 工作監視器」起始作業,分別為 RSED 和 JMON。 如此,位址空間大小僅受限於可用的專用儲存體,或 IEFUSI 或 IEALIMIT 系統結束程式。 請注意, IBM® 強烈建...
These are positional parameters, which can be of two types:Positional ParameterDescription PGM This refers to the program name to be executed in the job step. PROC This refers to the procedure name to be executed in the job step. We will discuss it a separate chapter....
err: Integer;begin// We need a function which does following:// 1. Replace the Environment strings, e.g. %SystemRoot% --> ExpandEnvStr// 2. Runs EXE files with parameters (e.g. "cmd.exe /?") --> WinExec// 3. Runs EXE files without path (e.g. "calc.exe") --> WinExec//...
git clone mvn3 clean # works mvn3 compile # works mvn3 exec:java returns: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.2:java (default-cli) on project aws-java-sdk-pom: The parameters 'mainClass' for goal org.codehaus....
當 BMP 區域的 z/OS 工作串流中的 JCL 排程在控制區域完成其起始設定之前,或當控制區域正在終止時,可能會發生這種情況。 指定 'wait' 有風險,因為 z/OS 資源會保留到控制區域回復為止。 如果您是從主要終端機啟動區域,則為 IMSBATCH 程序產生的預設值是令人滿意的。
Using EXEC parameters, you can override definitions for IMS batch message processing regions that were initially set during IMS system definition, including definitions for databases, PSBs, data communications, region control and performance, recovery an
这可以是由程序本身生成的 1 到 8 字符的扩展检查点标识,也可以是在来自检查点处理的消息中发出的 14 个字符的时间戳记标识。 或者,可以指定值LAST作为标识,以便使用最后记录的检查点。 一种方法是使用在系统阅读器中输入的 JCL 重新启动 BMP ,并为 EXEC 语句编码 CKPTID 符号参数。
The runtime options that are passed to the main routine must be followed by a slash (/) to separate them from program parameters. For HLL considerations to keep in mind when specifying runtime options, seeSpecifying runtime options and program arguments. The EXECOPS option for C andC++is us...
DFSORT performs calculations based on the user supplied record count and other parameters (such as AVGRLEN) to estimate the total number of bytes to be sorted. This value is important for sort applications, since it is used for several internal optimizations as well as for dynamic work data ...