Across the four UK jurisdictions, there are distinct disparities in exclusion rates of school students. Northern Ireland, alongside Scotland and Wales, has demonstrated over time, lower rates of permanent exclusions and temporary exclusions compared with England. This paper examines these disparities from...
Gazeley, L., Marrable, T., Brown, C., & Boddy, J. (2015). Contextualising Inequalities in Rates of School Exclusion in English Schools: Beneath the `Tip of the Ice-Berg'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 63(4), 487-504. doi:10.1080/00071005.2015.1070790...
While the role of the school is less examined in education mobilities research, its importance in cultural reproduction has been a core topic in sociology of education. According to Bourdieu (1977), schools are major social institutions, reproducing cultural and social (in)equities across generations...
It’s a UK paper, I really don’t know how it rates generally, but this article was awful. The article was titled: ‘I felt like I was falling’: the moment I found out my husband was leading a double life. He was gay Let’s take the first moment of epic fail in this article...
Eligible studies evaluated interventions intended to reduce the rates of exclusion, targeted children from ages four to 18 in mainstream schools, and reported results of interventions delivered from 1980 onwards. Only randomised controlled trials were included. Two independent reviewers determined study ...
A. Coutts et al., Social Capital Indicators in the UK: A Research Project for the Commission for Racial Equality (2007, 5); Roger Patulny and Gunnar Svendsen, “Exploring the social capital grid: Bonding, bridging, qualitative, quantitative,” International Journal of Sociology and Social ...
Caste and control in schools: A systematic review of the pathways, rates and correlates of exclusion due to school disciplineIn recent decades, school discipline policies and practices in K-12 education resulting in school exclusion have garnered substantial attention and represent an important ...
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) brings these two themes together and, in doing so, sheds light on the links between exclusion rates and young people's mental health. Separate consideration is given to what has been happening in the United Kingdom as regards mental...
Focus is then laced upon an evaluation of an innovative programme designed to provide support to those at risk of exclusion from secondary schools. Consideration is given to recent government thinking and initiatives intended to help schools to reduce rates of disaffection, truancy and exclusion. The...
There has been an overall decrease in exclusion rates and numbers in recent years across the UK. This change has often been heralded as evidence that national inclusion policies are 'working' and that schools themselves are becoming increasingly inclusive. This article examines findings from a ...