根元素prject下的dependencies可以包含一个或所个dependency元素,以声明一个或多个项目依赖 groupId、artifactId、version:依赖的基本坐标,每一个依赖必须具备的属性,Maven只有根据这些坐标才能找到并下载依赖 type:依赖的类型,对应于项目坐标定义的packaging。大部分情况下,不必声明,默认为jar scope:依赖的范围,见下面2:...
Run mvn dependency:tree to see what's pulling it in. Then exclude it as per How to use dependency exclusions, roughly: <dependency> <groupId>org.foo.bar</groupId> <artifactId>offending-artifact</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <...
Maven is a building tool that is most often used in java projects for defining and maintaining the build process. Besides that maven provides us with full-proof dependency management features that help in building a single module and multimodule building of projects and deploying the same. Maven ...
1. 解释什么是 Maven 的 dependency exclude Maven 的 dependency exclude 是一种机制,允许你在项目中排除某个依赖项所传递(transitively)引入的其他依赖项。这意味着,当你的项目中包含一个依赖项时,这个依赖项本身可能还依赖于其他库。通过使用 exclude,你可以防止这些传递性依赖项被包含在你的项目中。 2. Maven ...
1. 项目右键->Maven->Update Dependency,失败 2. 项目右键->Maven->Disable Dependency, 然后再Enable Dependency,失败 3. 将Eclipse此类项目删除掉(不删除磁盘上的文件),重新导入,问题依旧,失败 4. 将相应项目从磁盘上删除,再从SVN重新下载下来,导入,问题依旧,失败 ...
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Section 1: What are Excludes in pom.xml? In a Java project, dependencies are usually managed via some form of dependency management tool, such as Apache Maven, Gradle, or Ivy. The pom.xml file is used to declare these dependencies, specifying their version, scope, and exclusions if necessar...
Hello! Using the dependency-check-cli, it is possible to exclude files from being scanned using the exclude arg. However, using dependency-check-maven, odc.excludes is designed specifically to exclude certain artifacts (rather than Ant m...
42 How to exclude a dependency from parent's project in Maven? 4 Exclude whole parent dependency 3 Exclude artifacts inherited from a parent POM? 1 How to deploy child module without also deploying parent module? 1 How to preference library in maven 2 Conflict between maven manage...
I am working with a Maven project where I have spring framework dependency version 3.2.3.RELEASE and I have to import this project into many others but in some of them I am using spring 4. How can I exclude this dependency (spring 3) only in case that the project ...