Dependency Exclusions 由于maven 2.x的依赖传递规则, 很有可能你的项目类路径中包含了一些不想要的依赖. 比如说, 你的项目依赖的那些工程可能没有正确地声明他们的依赖集合. 为了应对这个特殊的场景, maven2.x提出了依赖排除的概念. 排除是针对POM中的一个特定的依赖设置的, 以一个特定的groupId和artifactId为标...
for example. In order to address this special situtation, maven 2.x has incorporated the notion of explicit dependency exclusion. Exclusions are set on a specific
The resolved dependency tree shows that the exclusion works When is this type of exclusion necessary? It only makes sense when identical artifact ids are found in the dependency tree regardless of their owning group, a not so common scenario but it may happen. Finally, if we can apply the w...
-- 当计算传递依赖时,从依赖构件列表里,列出被排除的依赖构件集,即告诉 maven 你只依赖指定的项目,不依赖下面的依赖。此元素主要用于解决版本冲突问题 --> <exclusions> <exclusion> <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> </exclusion> </exclusions> <optional>true</o...
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.spring.javaformat:spring-javaformat-maven-plugin:0.0.6:validate (default) on project wisteria-api: Formatting violations found in the following files: [ERROR] * F:\dev\SVN\code\wisteria\wisteria-api\src\main\java\com\wisdom\wisteria\constants\search\TradeSearch...
maven dependency的版本冲突问题,在改造一个旧项目中,遇到各种问题。旧项目有十多个模块,因为没有一个统一的父pom,它们对第三方的jar的版本没有统一。虽然也存在公共的依赖模块,比如commons、util,但是,我们的模块中,有时候又会自己重复引用一些基础的、已经在公共
Maven Dependency Exclusion does not work anymore for war archive since version 2.5.0. If i downgrade to version 2.4.7, exclusion of dependencies is correct during repackage Maven goal. In think the root cause is this commit : 152698f#diff-e7a76a5f4e121a18180b454ce4290ca7fc458584efcc82309730...
从参与度来说,也provided相同,不过被依赖项不会从maven仓库抓,⽽是从本地⽂件系统拿,⼀定需要配合systemPath属性使⽤。import(only available in Maven 2.0.9 or later)这个是maven2.0.9版本后出的属性,import只能在dependencyManagement的中使⽤,能解决maven单继承问题,import依赖关系实际上并不参与...
From a maintainers perspective: You may have to repeat the same exclusion multiple times over various starters. Again something that would be easy with Maven BOMs. Beside the technical issues, almost certainly there will be users that just don't care and they will end up with libraries on th...
mavendependency的版本冲突问题 mavendependency的版本冲突问题 在改造⼀个旧项⽬中,遇到各种问题。旧项⽬有⼗多个模块,因为没有⼀个统⼀的⽗pom,它们对第三⽅的jar的版本没有统⼀。虽然也存在公共的依赖模块,⽐如commons、util,但是,我们的模块中,有时候⼜会⾃⼰重复引⽤⼀些基础的、...