Tcode:VA03进入销售订单显示屏幕,点击header按钮。 可以看到订单货币和本位币之间的汇率(exchange rate) 订单货币:VBAK-WAERK 汇率:VBKD-KURSK 本位币保存在表TVKO中的字段TVKO-WAERS,可以根据销售订单采购组织(Sales Organization)取得。 以上。
T-CODE:OB08BAPI:READ_EXCHANGE_RATE将外币转换为本地币计算公式如下: 本地币金额 = 外币金额 *EXCHANGE_RATE* LOCAL_FACTOR / FOREIGN_FACTOR SAP FI 系列 (023) - 使用工作清单维护汇率 OB08汇率的设置界面,不同的汇率类型、不同货币的汇率数据都在一起。同一种货币也存在多笔记录。汇率数据储存在数据库表...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Project System (PS) Hi Gurus, I have the problem about exchange in original budget (cj30) with object currency in VND. but the co currency is IDR, and t-code OB08. has maintain like below. 1. Exchange Rate 2. Original Budget T2XXXX = 100 * 0,47619 = ...
ABAP-汇率转换:FM 'READ_EXCHANGE_RATE' TCODE:OB08 SAP FI 系列 (022) - 货币和汇率的配置 ratio,不能用OB08维护汇率,所以对每种汇率类型,需要在该步骤中进行设置。 设置汇率T-code:OB08。汇率设置是 FI 记账必须根据汇率变化进行定期设置。我国规定企业可以选择期初汇率...在录入外币业务的时候,需要用到...
Solved: Hello friends, I have the following situation. On 05.01.2016 ( I created a PO through ME21N with ARS currency considering an exchange rate of 1.000 at
1 In 1998, Russia also adopted a managed floating exchange rate system. The rate remained relatively stable at around RUB 30 per USD until 2014, when economic sanctions and switching to a fully floating exchange rate system, along with plunging oil prices, pushed the exchange rate up to ...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi All, My customer is maintainng the M exchange rate type as 1 USD = 106 JPY along with this they are maintiaing a extra Exchange rate Type EURO as 106 JPY = 1 USD Comany Code Currency is JPY. In the document Type level they are not maintaing ...
Step 1)Entertransaction code“OB07” in the SAP command field and enter. Step 2)On change view currency translation exchange rate types overview screen, list of exchange rate types displays with details of reference currency, buying rate and selling rate. Either you can create new exchange rate...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function View products (1) Hi, I want to assign a new exchange rate type instead of M to my co code. Where I can assign it to company code so that at the time of posting any document rate should be pickedup from ne...
(you just need one, of course) provide currency exchange rates to the currency rate type 'EURX' which is a "standard exchange rate type" provided in the regular system deployment of an SAP Business Technology Platform, ABAP environment system (on how to customize exchange rate handling in ...