55、dity forecast planned itemFF70 Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity ForecastFF71 Cash PositionFF72 Liquidity forecastFF73 Cash ConcentrationFF74 Use Program to Access Cash ConcntnFF7A Cash PositionFF7B Liquidity forecastFF:1 Maintain exchange ratesFFB4 Import electronic check deposit listFFB5 Post electron...
SAP常用T Code汇总_原创精品文档.pdf,MM 常用 T-CODE MM01 创建一般物料 Create Material – General MM02 修改一般物料 Change Material MM03 显示一般物料 Display Material mm04 显示修改 Display modify MK01 建立供应商 Create vendor (Purchasing) MK02 修改供应商 Ch
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In the step Maintain terms of payment, you can define rules with which the system can determine the required terms of payment automatically. The rules are stored under a four-character key. You assign the terms of payment specified to the vendors in the
SAP T-Code FI 2 2.3TR-TM金库管理 TreasuryManagement 金库管理 事务码描述 BC00BP:BusinessPartner-CustomizingBP:业务伙伴-设置 BC01BusinessPartner:FormofAddress业务伙伴:地址表格 BC03BusinessPartner:MaritalStatus业务伙伴:婚姻状况 BC04BusinessPartner:PropertyRegime业务伙伴:财产权 BC05BusinessPartner...
200.00 which system posts to Exchange gain/loss account..which we maintain in OB09. Hope it is clear to you now.. Regards, SAPFICO. Former Member 2009 Sep 18 0 Kudos In addition to the Experts answers above Transaction OBA1 - (Automatic Posting - procedures) will be the ...
Here we would like to draw your attention toKO8B transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPCO-OM (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) componentwhich is coming underCO module (Controlling).KO8B is a transaction code used forDisplay Settlement Documentin SAP. ...
e.g.adddiplayreferencenumberinthescreen)PrintA/RBalanceconfirmationCreateaNon-MMinvoicewithForeigncurrencyOutgoingPaymentGR/IR清帐RegroupGR/IRclearingaccounts(ForsomePOitems,eitherinvoiceorgoodscomeslaterthantheotherparty.Inthatcase,weneedtorecognizeA/PaccrualorGoodsintransit.)Maintainexchangerate ...