#用户登录Exchange信息Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox, SharedMailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object Lastlogontime -Descending | Select-Object DisplayName,MailboxTypeDetail,LastLogonTime,ServerName #查看目前有架构下所有的 Exchange Server 完整主机名称等等信息Get-...
PowerShell 复制 Set-RemoteMailbox <MailboxIdentity> -Type <Regular | Shared | Room | Equipment> 如果邮箱以前已迁移到 Exchange Online,则还需要更新 Exchange Online 中的邮箱对象。 有关更多信息,请参阅: 使用Exchange 管理中心转换邮箱 使用Exchange Online PowerShell 转换邮箱使用...
What are shared mailboxes?A shared mailbox is a type of user mailbox that doesn't have its own username and password. As a result, users can't log into them directly. To access a shared mailbox, users must first be granted Send As or Full Access permissions to the mailbox. Once ...
import-csv c:\ad\User.csv | Foreach {New-ADUser -samAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Surname $_.Surname -GivenName $_.GivenName -Name $_.Name -UserPrincipalName $_.Userprincipalname -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -Description $_.Description -Path $_.Path -AccountPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString...
In the on-premises Exchange Server 2019/2016/2013, you can convert a user mailbox to a shared mailbox usingSet-MailboxPowerShell cmdlet. Use the syntax below: Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdentity> -Type <Regular | Room | Equipment | Shared> ...
. What it seems like is that we instead need to convert "Accounting" to a User account, give it a license, then sign into it in Outlook. That's not a Shared Mailbox - that's a user mailbox. I don't want to create a point of weakness for a potential cyber-attack (which we'...
This example converts the shared mailbox, MarketingDept1 to a user mailbox. PowerShellКопіювати Set-MailboxMarketingDept1-TypeRegular You can use the following values for theTypeparameter: Regular Room Equipment Shared For detailed syntax and parameter information, seeSet-Mailbox. ...
New-MailboxExportRequest-MailboxAylaKol-FilePath"\\SERVER01\PSTFileShare\Ayla_Recovered.pst" This example exports the user Ayla Kol's primary mailbox to a .pst file on the network shared folder PSTFileShare on SERVER01. Example 2 PowerShell ...
New-MailUser [-Name] <String> [-MicrosoftOnlineServicesID <WindowsLiveId>] [-Alias <String>] [-Confirm] [-DisplayName <String>] [-FirstName <String>] [-ImmutableId <String>] [-Initials <String>] [-LastName <String>] [-MailboxRegion <String>] [-ModeratedBy <MultiValuedProperty>] [...
Convert_distributiongrouptounifiedgroup.ps1 不适用 36,449 11-8 月 23 日 22:42 不适用 Create_publicfoldermailboxesformigration.ps1 不适用 29,596 11-8 月 23 日 22:42 不适用 Cts.14.0.microsoft.exchange.data.common.versionpolicy.cfg 不适用 522 11-8 月 23 日 22:40 不适用 Cts.14.1.mi...