PowerShell 复制 Set-RemoteMailbox <MailboxIdentity> -Type <Regular | Shared | Room | Equipment> 如果邮箱以前已迁移到 Exchange Online,则还需要更新 Exchange Online 中的邮箱对象。 有关更多信息,请参阅: 使用Exchange 管理中心转换邮箱 使用Exchange Online PowerShell 转换邮箱使用...
How to Convert a User Mailbox to a Shared on Exchange Server with PowerShell? In the on-premises Exchange Server 2019/2016/2013, you can convert a user mailbox to a shared mailbox usingSet-MailboxPowerShell cmdlet. Use the syntax below: Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdentity> -Type <R...
This example converts the shared mailbox, MarketingDept1 to a user mailbox. PowerShellКопіювати Set-MailboxMarketingDept1-TypeRegular You can use the following values for theTypeparameter: Regular Room Equipment Shared For detailed syntax and parameter information, seeSet-Mailbox. ...
. What it seems like is that we instead need to convert "Accounting" to a User account, give it a license, then sign into it in Outlook. That's not a Shared Mailbox - that's a user mailbox. I don't want to create a point of weakness for a potential cyber-attack (which we'...
You can however enable the shared mailbox account, change its password and get it configured on a mobile device. Friday, September 16, 2016 7:17 AM Thanks Vasil for the reply. So you meant to say convert the shared mailbox to the user mailbox and assign a license or just enable th...
You have migrated a user mailbox with Hybrid remote move to Microsoft Office 365 from Exchange Server 2019 or Exchange Server 2016. When you try to convert this migrated remote mailbox to a shared remote mailbox, you receive the following error message: ...
The case: We created user, enabled remotemailbox, then mailbox after delta is provisioned in the cloud. User go for holidays, we convert… Microsoft Exchange Online Microsoft Exchange Online A Microsoft email and calendaring hosted service. 2,006 questions Sign in to follow Exchange ...
New-Mailbox [-Name] <String> [-Password <SecureString>] [-Shared] [-UserPrincipalName <String>] [-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>] [-AddressBookPolicy <AddressBookMailboxPolicyIdParameter>] [-Alias <String>] [-ArbitrationMailbox <MailboxIdParameter>] [-Archive] [-ArchiveData...
New-MailUser [-Name] <String> -Password <SecureString> [-LOBAppAccount] [-Alias <String>] [-Confirm] [-DisplayName <String>] [-FirstName <String>] [-ImmutableId <String>] [-Initials <String>] [-LastName <String>] [-MailboxRegion <String>] [-ModeratedBy <MultiValuedProperty>] [-...
我們已重新發行 2023 年 8 月 8 日 Exchange Server 2019 和 2016 的安全性更新 (SU),以解決導致非英文作業系統 (OS) 安裝失敗的當地語系化問題。 For download links, see the "How to get and install the update" section. 如需...