Excess brain fluid may cause bad vision in astronautsdoi:10.1016/S0262-4079(19)30805-XCrane, LeahNew scientist
cBase(Ecf) or SBE = Recognized as the in vivo expression of base excess. It refers to a model of the extracellular fluid (one part of blood is diluted by two parts of its own plasma) and is calculated using a standard value for the hemoglobin concentration of the total extracellular...
A hydrocephalus shunt valve for drainage of excess fluid from the brain comprising on elongate housing having an inlet and outlet end a first and second valve member disposed within said housing in a spaced relationship to each other for closing and opening said inlet and outlet, characterized in...
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN) prolongs neonatal hospitalization and occasionally results in serious complication& The most widely accepted theory of the etiology of TTN i s a delay in the absorption of fetal lung fluid. Furosemide has been shown to affect fluid dynamics in the lung ....
Adaptive Neonatal Brain Segmentation: Application to Ventriculomegaly and Excess Extra-Axial Cerebral-Spinal Fluiddysmorphologygenetic counsellingmedical communicationPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development...
Intravascular space.This is the fluid within thebloodvessels and containsplasma, the effective circulating volume. Approximately three liters of the average six liters of blood volume in adults is made up of plasma, and the remaining three liters are made up oferythrocytes, leukocytes, and thro...
A protein found in the cells lining blood vessels plays a central role in preventing fluid and inflammatory cells from leaking into lung tissue in a low-oxygen environment, Weill Cornell Medicine researchers discovered.
New insights in brain-to-eye transport: can excess cerebrospinal fluid in astronauts escape into the eye?doi:10.1038/s41433-024-03430-5Peter WostynDepartment of PsychiatryPC Sint-Amandus Beernem BelgiumThomas H. Maderhttps://ror.org/00dbv2839grid.477690.bNASA Ophthalmology Consultant Moab UT USA...
A HYDROCEPHALUS SHUNT FOR SHUNTING EXCESS CEREBROSPINAL FLUID FROM THE BRAIN TO THE PERITONEAL CAVITYThe invention relates to the a hydrocephalus shunt for shunting excess cerebrospinal fluid from the brain to the peritoneal cavity.GHANSHAYM DAS AGRAWAL...
Thus, AQP4-mediated transcellular water movement is crucial for fluid clearance in vasogenic brain edema, suggesting AQP4 activation and/or up-regulation as a novel therapeutic option in vasogenic brain edema.doi:10.1096/fj.04-1723fjePapadopoulos...