Unprotect (Password)取消保护(密码)Sheets(“Sheet1”).Unprotect “Password” Protect (No Password)保护(无密码)Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect Protect (Password)保护(密码)Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect “Password” Protect but Allow VBA Access保护但允许 VBA 访问Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=...
要隐藏一个工作表,只需将该工作表的Visible属性设置为xlSheetHidden。示例如下: ```vba Sub HideWorksheet() Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = xlSheetHidden End Sub ``` 如果要完全隐藏一个工作表并且不允许用户重新显示它,可以将Visible属性设置为xlSheetVeryHidden。示例如下: ```vba Sub VeryHideWorksheet() Sh...
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False If the sheet that you want to unhide it already visible, this code won’t show any error. But if that sheet doesn’t exist, then you’ll get a Run-time error ‘9’. Use VBA to Unhide All the Hidden Sheets Imagine you have more than one hidden s...
要通过VBA将列设置为"非常隐藏",可以使用以下代码示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 Sub HideColumnVeryHidden() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim col As Range ' 设置工作表和工作列 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") Set col = ws.Columns("A") ' 这里以列A为例 ' 将列设置为非常隐藏 col.Hidden = xlSheet...
Sheets("SheetName").Visible = False 'OR Sheets("SheetName").Visible = xlSheetHidden End Sub What if you do not want to permit users to un-hide worksheet, you can set the Visible property of worksheet to xlSheetVeryHidden and lock the VBA code. so that user can not un-hide the works...
Fixing Data in VBA Macro excel sheet Hello everyone, I have this very important lifechanging task that I have to work on and there is a quick problem with my excel I have downloaded a performance review excel sheet that has been made by...Show...
How do you unhide a 'very hidden' excel sheet? I cant seem to undo the code that I put in
8、veSheet.Rows2.Delete;b. ExcelID.ActiveSheet.Columns1.Delete;18) 打印预览工作表:ExcelID.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview;19) 打印输出工作表:ExcelID.ActiveSheet.PrintOut;20) 工作表保存:If not ExcelID.ActiveWorkBook.Saved then ExcelID.ActiveSheet.PrintPreviewEnd if21) 工作表另存为:ExcelID.ActiveWorkbook....
You can use the System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle method to convert from a .NET color to an OLE color that's required by VBA. Clicking Work with Windows on the Other Application Members sheet runs the sample procedure TestWindows, which contains all the code provided in small chunks ...
You can also make a worksheet "very hidden" by writing code (either in VBA or in some other language) that sets the sheet Visible property to the enumerated value, xlSheetVeryHidden. For worksheets hidden in this manner, the Sheet object State property contains the value VeryHidden. Given ...