然後從菜單中選擇要隱藏的工作表名稱項目瀏覽器,並選擇2-xlSheet非常隱藏在可見從下拉列表氟化鈉性能窗口,請參見屏幕截圖: 然後,您指定的工作表會立即被隱藏起來,其他人將無法通過使用顯示工作表取消隱藏Excel的功能。 如果要使其他工作表非常隱藏,請重複步驟3。 注意:如果要顯示非常隱藏的工作表,只需從項目瀏覽器,...
It is simply this: a very hidden sheet cannot be made visible via the Excel user interface, the only way to unhide it is with VBA. So, if you want to make some of your worksheets much more difficult to unhide by others (e.g. those containing sensitive information or intermediate formula...
If you want to make other sheets very hidden, repeat the step3. Note: If you want to display the very hidden worksheets, you just need to click the very hidden sheet from the Project Explorer, and choose -1-xlSheetVisible under the Visible drop down list from the Properties window....
Click any sheet name in the Microsoft Excel Object tab. Go to the Properties tab. Set Visible to xlSheetHidden. Two sheets set to xlSheetHidden are hidden. Method 7 – Hiding Multiple Sheets using the xlSheetVeryHidden Option Use the following code. Sub Very_Hidden() 'declaring variables Di...
0– visible / 1 – hidden / 2 – very hidden. (2)删除Sheet: removeSheetAt(int sheetId) index– of the sheet (0-based) Java代码: /** * 隐藏指定的Sheet * @param targetFile 目标文件 * @param sheetName Sheet名称 */ public void hiddenSheet(String targetFile,String sheetName) { ...
2. Worksheets are very hidden If your worksheets are hidden by VBA code that makes themvery hidden(assigns thexlSheetVeryHiddenproperty), such worksheets cannot be displayed by using theUnhidecommand. To unhide very hidden sheets, you need to change the property fromxlSheetVeryHiddentoxlSheetVisible...
How do you unhide a 'very hidden' excel sheet? I cant seem to undo the code that I put in
Select the sheet you want to unhide, and click OK.Way 2: Hide/unhide Excel sheets with VBA windowThrough Excel's built-in VBA window, you can make sheets Very Hidden, which is a more secure way to hide and protect the sheets.
There’s one more option that you can use to make a sheet very hidden that cannot be un-hide by the user easily. Hide a Sheet Based on the Value from a Cell Alright, if you want to use a cell value instead of directly using the sheet name in the code, you can refer to that ce...
Let’s see how to hide a worksheet in Excel so that it can easily be unhidden, or can not be unhidden.This Tutorial Covers: Regular Way of Hiding a Worksheet in Excel Hide a Worksheet So That It Can Not be Unhidden Unhide a Sheet that has been ‘Very Hidden’ Hide/Unhide ...