SubFind_Row_Number()DimmValueAsStringDimmrrowAsRange mValue=InputBox("Insert a value")Setmrrow=Cells.Find(What:=mValue,LookIn:=xlFormulas,LookAt_:=xlPart,SearchOrder:=xlByRows,SearchDirection:=xlNext,MatchCase:=_False,SearchFormat:=False)IfmrrowIsNothingThenMsgBox("No Match")ElseMsgBox(mrrow...
The INDEX function returns the value from the modelRange that corresponds to the row number returned by the MATCH function. The MATCH function searches for the value in cell H5 within the range E5:E12 and returns the relative position of the first match (i.e., its row number) using a ...
The number 2 in the formulas indicate that you find the matching values in the second column of the table array. If the formulas cannot find the relative value, it returns error value #N/A. If you are confused with formulas, you can try the handy tool –Formula HelperofKutools for Exce...
personName = Me.Range("B1").Value' 检查是否选择了月份并输入了名字If monthName <> "" And personName <> "" Then' 检查是否存在该月份的工作表On Error Resume NextSet ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(monthName)On Error GoTo 0If Not ws Is Nothing Then' 查找月份工作表中的名字lastRow = ws.Cells...
The VBA Find function is in fact a function of the Excel VBA Range object class. See Microsoft documentation for more details. A VBA Range represents any subset of cells within a spreadsheet – it can be a single cell, entire row or a patchwork of different cells and other Ranges. Executi...
在《Excel VBA解读(8):看看Excel的那些常用对象(续2)》中,我们介绍过Rows属性和Columns属性,在VBA中使用这两个属性可以表示整行或整列组成的区域,也可以表示单元格区域中的行或列。举一些例子来说明。 Rows代表工作表中的所有行,...
使用VBA进行数据导出 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是Microsoft Office内置的编程语言,允许用户创建宏来执行自动化任务。以下是使用VBA导出Excel数据为CSV文件的示例代码: Sub ExportToCSV() Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim csvFile As String ' 打开工作簿 Set wb = ThisWorkbook Set ws = wb...
.WithwsTargetSetrnUnique = .Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A100").End(xlUp))EndWith'Assign all the values of the Unique range into the Unique variant.vaUnique = rnUnique.Value'Count the number of occurrences of every unique value in the source data,'and list it next to its relevant ...
在《Excel VBA解读(8):看看Excel的那些常用对象(续2)》中,我们介绍过Rows属性和Columns属性,在VBA中使用这两个属性可以表示整行或整列组成的区域,也可以表示单元格区域中的行或列。举一些例子来说明。 Rows代表工作表中的所有行,因此下面的代码: Rows.Select ...