Const Matching_Value As String = "Luka" Set fCell = wSheet.Range("B:B").Find(What:=Matching_Value) If Not fCell Is Nothing Then MsgBox (Matching_Value & " is located in row: " & fCell.row) Else MsgBox (Matching_Value & " Not matched") End If End Sub Go back to your sheet...
Value, Range("F5:F12"), 0)) Next i End Sub Visual Basic Copy The For loop iterates over a range of cells from row 5 to row 7 in column 8 (i.e., range H5:H7). Inside the For loop, the MATCH function is used to find the position of the value in cell (i, 8 i.e., ...
All the matching values will appear in the results shown. Find a Number – MATCH Function in Google Sheets The MATCH Function works the same in Google Sheets as it does in Excel. Find Row Number of Value Using ROW, INDEX and MATCH Functions in Google Sheets The ROW, INDEX and MATCH Func...
VBA代码:Vlookup并将多个唯一匹配的值返回到一个单元格中 FunctionMultipleLookupNoRept(LookupvalueAsString,LookupRangeAsRange,ColumnNumberAsInteger)'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxDicAsNewDictionaryDimxRowsAsLongDimxStrAsStringDimiAsLongOnErrorResumeNextxRows=LookupRange.Rows.CountFori=1ToxRowsIfLookupRange.Columns(1...
to the below cells, the range reference expands by 1 row causing thekargument to increment by 1. For example, in D3, the reference changes to A$2:A3. The ROWS function counts the number of rows in A$2:A3 and returns 2 fork, so the LARGE function outputs the 2ndlargest value. ...
Value is false when no rows in the range are hidden. Value is null when some rows in a range are hidden and other rows in the same range are not hidden. rowIndex Returns the row number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed. savedAsArray Represents if all the cells would be...
Lookup and find latest date, return corresponding value on same row Enter a quarter in cell G3.Array formula in cell G3:=MAX((B3:B19=G2)*C3:C19)If you prefer a regular formula in G3:=MAX(INDEX((B3:B19=G2)*C3:C19,))Formula in cell G4:=INDEX($D$3:$D$19, SUMPRODUCT((B3:...
Excel - Pivot Tables - Display Row/Column Headings if Null value Excel - saved but can't find file Excel - Time series graph with spacing based on the number of years in between and not equal Excel - worksheet freeze and high cpu usage Excel 2003 VBA Format function not working/removed/...
Formula to finddistinct rows: =IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A2, $A2, $B$2:$B2, $B2)=1, "Distinct row", "") Find case-sensitive unique / distinct values in Excel If you are working with a data set where case matters, you'd need a bit more trickier array formula. ...