例如,Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")表示工作表"Sheet1"中的A1到A10范围。可以使用Value属性获取范围中的值,并将其赋给数组的元素。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何使用非活动工作表的值填充数组: 代码语言:vba 复制 Sub FillArrayWithValuesFromInactiveWorksheet() Dim myArray() As Variant Dim ws...
Range("A1:C10").ClearContents For I = 1 To 3 For J = 1 To 10 Cells(I, Chr(J + 64)).Value = transArray(J - 1, I - 1) Next J Next I End Sub 该示例将A1:C10矩阵中的数据进行行列转换。 转换前: 转换后: 7. VBA中冒泡排序示例 Public Sub BubbleSort2() Dim tempVa...
Case 1 – One-Dimensional Array A one-dimensional array is a collection of related data values stored in a single row or column of cells. It is essentially a list of values that can be accessed using a single variable name. To create a one-dimensional array in Excel VBA, you can declar...
Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=Array("A", "C", "E","F", "H"),Operator:=xlFilterValues End Sub Sub DynamicAutoFilter() Worksheets("SalesReport").Select Range("A1").AutoFilter Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=3,Criteria1:=xlFilterNextYear,Operator:=xlFilterDynamic End ...
As a result, the interior color of the desired range changes. 3. Applying UsedRange Property Consider a dataset where you constantly enter values and do not know how big it could get, you can use theUsedRangeproperty. The following VBA code will select the used region: ...
With wsTarget Set rnUnique = .Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A100").End(xlUp)) End With 'Assign all the values of the Unique range into the Unique variant. vaUnique = rnUnique.Value 'Count the number of occurrences of every unique value in the source data, 'and list it next to its...
MessageBox.Show(valueString, "Array Values"); } catch( Exception theException ) { String errorMessage; errorMessage = "Error: "; errorMessage = String.Concat( errorMessage, theException.Message ); errorMessage = String.Concat( errorMessage, " Line: " ); errorMessage = String.Concat( error...
MessageBox.Show(valueString, "Array Values"); } catch( Exception theException ) { String errorMessage; errorMessage = "Error: "; errorMessage = String.Concat( errorMessage, theException.Message ); errorMessage = String.Concat( errorMessage, " Line: " ); errorMessage = String.Concat...
VBASigned 如果指定工作簿的 Visual Basic for Applications 项目已经过数字签名,则该属性的值为 True。 只读 Boolean。 (继承自 _Workbook) VBProject 返回一个 VBProject 对象,该对象表示指定工作簿中的 Visual Basic 项目。 此为只读属性。 (继承自 _Workbook) WebOptions 返回集合 WebOptions ,该集合包...
Sub 过程名() i = 1 s = 0 '初始值为0可略 While i <= 100 s = s + i i =...