Myarray = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B4:E13") It’ll convert the rangeB4:E13ofSheet1to an array, no matter what the active worksheet is. Method 2 – Transfer a Range to a One-Dimensional Array Using the Transpose Property of Excel VBA You have to use theTransposeproperty ofVBAto con...
We can easily populate aVariant arraywith a range of cells. Assign Value From a Single Column This example willloopthrough Range(“A1:A10”), assigning the the cell values to an array: SubTestArrayValuesSingle()'Declare the array as a variant arrayDimarRng()AsVariant'Declare the integer to...
Converting a range to array makes a lot of sense in VBA, when some operations should be performed with data in a given range. The time saving is quite noticeable and it is a bit easier to access and modify the data there. However, there is one small trick that we need to know, if ...
Count)i=1For Each r In rngarr(i)=r.Value i=i+1Next r RangeToArray=arr End ...
数组,英文名称为Array。Array也是VBA的一个函数。数组,可以简单地理解为“一组数”,比如(1,2,3,4,5),当然在表达方式方面有规定的格式。下面我们就逐一了解。一、数组的定义 我们在使用数组之前,我们首先要定义一个数组,定义数组有两种方式:Dim arr1(5)Dim arr2()第一种在定义的时候就指定了数组的...
图 Array数组给行单元格区域赋值 Ø 代码说明:用Array数组直接给A1:E5单元格区域赋值。Ø 注意事项:因为一维数组是以行来分配地址,如果把一维数组的值给单元格列赋值,则需要用Transpose方法进行列转换。如果我们直接用以下代码Range("A1:A5").Value = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)给A1:A5单元格区域赋值...
Introduction - Assign Range to ArrayDiscover how easy it is to assign a range to an array using Excel VBA. I’ll also show you how to avoid common errors, like the run-time error 13 type mismatch.Example - Assign Range to Array
If Range("E" & i).Value > 20 Then ' Resize the Names array to include the current name ReDim Preserve Names(j) Names(j) = Range("B" & i).Value j = j + 1 End If Next i 'Concatenate all the names into a single string ...
Range("F1") = "Name"Range("G1") = "Price"arr = Range("A2:B6")ReDim brr(1 To UBound(arr), 1 To 2)j = 1 For i = 1 To UBound(arr)If arr(i, 2) > 400000 Then brr(j, 1) = arr(i, 1)brr(j, 2) = arr(i, 2)j = j + 1 End If Next i MsgBox ...