Select Selection.Offset(4, 3).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 2, _ Selection.Columns.Count + 1).Select 如何選取兩個或多個指定範圍的聯集若要選取聯集 (,也就是兩個命名範圍 「Test」 和「Sample」 的合併區域) ,您可以使用下列範例:VB 複製 ...
--- ActiveSheet to specify the active sheet ActiveWorkbook to specify the active workbook Columns.Count to count the number of columns in the specified item Rows.Count to count the number of rows in the specified item Selection to refer to the currently selected range 如何在活动工作表上选择单元...
Dim WorkRange As Range If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub If Selection.Count = 1 Then Set WorkRange = Cells Else Set WorkRange = Selection End If MaxVal = Application.Max(WorkRange) On Error Resume Next WorkRange.Find(What:=MaxVal, _ After:=WorkRange.Range("A1"), _ Lo...
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 ' Highlight the active cell Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 2. 高亮选中单元格所在的行和列。 Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = ...
With Selection.Interior .ColorIndex = 3 .Pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With End Sub 将来会十分熟悉这种代码,虽然现在它们看上去像一种奇怪的外语。学习VBA或编程语言在某种程度上比较像在学习一种外语。 Sub 改变颜色():这是宏的名称。
地址: ⼆、Application对象(Excel顶层对象)1、ScreenUpdating属性 是否控制屏幕更新,False表⽰关闭屏幕更新,True表⽰打开屏幕更新 设置ScreenUpdating=False 关闭屏幕更新,将看不到程序的执⾏过程,可以加快程序的执⾏速度,让...
Function IsFormActive(UsfName As String) As Boolean:检查是否存在指定名称的用户窗体。二、新建一个窗体,Usf_DateSelect,用来选择输入日期。在窗体启动时,动态添加年、月、日等控件设置控件格式设置控件名称、Caption等属性。三、单元格 Worksheet_SelectionChange事件代码:启动日期控件的条件:第一行,单元格包含...
Sub GoToMax() Dim WorkRange As Range If TypeName (Selection) <> " Range " Then Exit Sub If Selection.Count = 1 Then Set WorkRange = Cells Else Set WorkRange = Selection End If MaxVal = Application.Max(WorkRange) On Error Resume Next WorkRange.Find(What: = MaxVal, _ After: = Work...
---ActiveSheet to specify the active sheet ActiveWorkbook to specify the active workbook Columns.Count to count the number of columns in the specified item Rows.Count to count the number of rows in the specified item Selection to refer to the currently selected range 如何在 Ac...