To protect the epidermis during the laser treatment, the Excel V hand-piece incorporates continuous and parallel cooling with the CoolView, which also allows the physician to control the temperature for greater patient comfort. Treatment time is approximately 15 minutes, depending on the size of the...
Spotlight on the Cutera excel V Laser The Cutera excel V is a laser treatment option offered by New York board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jessica Krant that can safely and effectively treat a number of conditions on both men and women of all skin tones. While the Cutera excel V laser is...
Laser Treatment for a Venous Lake Laser Expert for Rosacea - ABC News Contact Us Jacob D. Steiger, M.D. 1001 N Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33432 Phone:561-499-9339 Toll free:866-994-FACE (3223) Send Us A Message Name* Phone ...
The professional staff also offers a wide variety of aesthetic procedures, including Botox®, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, wrinkle reduction techniques, stretch mark removal procedures, and spider vein treatment, as well as body sculpting with SculpSure®.The staff at Excel Medicine cares ...
Title: TBA | Director, The Functional OCT Laboratory, UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic Co-founder & chairman, Board of directors, OCT Medical Imaging, Inc Fellow: Optical Society of America, SPIE | Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM2022, LOPSTM2023 ...