3.2 Peak power and average power of pulsed laser.peak2pavg(intensity_unit)(temporal_unit)(reprate_unit) <P_peak> <t_pulse> <reprate>orpavg2peak(intensity_unit)(temporal_unit)(reprate_unit) <P_avg> <t_pulse> <reprate> (intensity_unit) is optional (can be omitted) and kept consisten...
303 laser 304 foot 305 rose 306 situation 307 forehead 308 309 workday 310 311 312 fantastic 313 salad 314 315 windy 316 interesting 317 318 dusk 319 320 321 lead 322 323 324 unfair 325 nervous 326 favour 327 housework 328 upward
if you need to drop your assault rifle to make room for something else and then you move to the next area, that gun you've upgraded is gone. i loaded my handgun with upgrades and turned it into a silenced, laser-sighted killing machine. i kept it with me throughout the entire game,...
Title: TBA | Director, The Functional OCT Laboratory, UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic Co-founder & chairman, Board of directors, OCT Medical Imaging, Inc Fellow: Optical Society of America, SPIE | Keynote Speaker: LOPSTM2021, LOPSTM2022, LOPSTM2023 ...