1 如果需要把下图中的大写转换成小写,可以用VBA代码解决。按Alt+F11键调出VBA窗体,点击【插入】-【模块】,在代码窗口输入下面代码:Function Atoa(At As String) Dim j, m For i = 1 To Len(At) Select Case Mid(At, i, 1) ...
Wb.Close False End With End If MN = Dir Loop Range("a1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox "共合并了" & a & "个工作薄下全部工作表。如下:" & Chr(13) & Wbn, vbInformation, "提示"End Sub 【说明】不明白代码的小伙伴们,可以直接复制-粘贴,再运行就好了。你学会了吗?记得...
方法/步骤 1 这得使用VBA来实现,因为只有使用VBA最为简单,比任何函数都方便! 下面我们看实现吧!2 上图中,在Sheet1中,A列的A3单元格,数据是“李四”;3 看上图,Sheet2中的A23单元格,内容也是“李四”; 现在,我们要做的是,在Sheet1中,点击A3中的“李四”,就会自动跳到Sheet2中...
End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True '打开屏幕显示 End Sub 数据比对部分代码如下(这部分注释可以参考上两次关于使用编程思维处理excel数据的发文,由于分别有标准数据和BOM1对比、标准数据和BOM2对比,所以这里有两个类似的函数):Sub 数据对比()Sheets("标准数据").Select Range("A1:K500").Sel...
xRg.Value = ActiveCell.Value Then strAddress = xRg.Address End If Next If strAddress = "" Then MsgBox "The Day You Selected in Cell D4 Was Not Found On " & ActiveSheet.Name, _ vb***mation, "Kutools for Excel" Exit Sub Else Range(strAddress).Offset(0, 1).Select End If End ...
= Result End Function ' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text. Function GetTens(TensText) Dim Result As String Result = "" ' Null out the temporary function value. If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then ' If value between 10-19... Select Case Val(...
Sub ScrollToTop() ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1 End Sub Copy 要将所有工作表滚动到当前工作簿的顶部,请应用以下VBA代码。 VBA代码:将所有工作表滚动到顶部 Sub Select_A1_On_Activeworkbook() Dim xSheet As Worksheet For Each xSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets xSheet.Activate ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select ...
---Activate none Cells rowIndex, columnIndex Application.Goto reference, scroll Offset rowOffset, columnOffset Range cell1cell1, cell2Resize rowSize, columnSize Select none Sheets index (or sheetName) Workbooks index (or bookName) End direction CurrentRegion none 本文中的示例使用下表中的属性。 a...
= xRg.Count Set xRg = xRg(1) For I = xLastRow To xFstRow Step -1 xNum = Cells(I, xCol) If IsNumeric(xNum) And xNum > 0 Then Rows(I + 1).Resize(xNum).Insert xCount = xCount + xNum End If Next xRg.Resize(xCount, 1).Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub ...
<tr> <td>参数名称</td> <td>参数值</td> </tr> <tr> <c:forEach...