Sub select_column_to_end_of_data() Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Select Range(Cells(4, 6), Selection).Select End Sub After pressing Run or F5, you will get the desired result. Read More: How to Select Large Data in Excel Without Dragging How to Select All Data in Excel Steps: Cli...
("A1").Select' Loop until end of records.DoUntilActiveCell =""' Loop through records.ForiCtr =1ToiListCount' Don't compare against yourself.' To specify a different column, change 1 to the column number.IfActiveCell.Row <> Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(iCtr,1).RowThen' Do comparison of ...
VBA是一种通用编程语言,适用于任何内置有VBA的应用程序,因此Word VBA与Excel VBA的语法一样,只是处理...
xRgD As Range Dim xNumLeft, xNumRight As Long Dim xOldName, xNewName As String On Error Resume Next xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address Set xRgS = Application.InputBox("Select Original Names(Single Column):", "KuTools For Excel", xAddress, ,...
//using FileDialog to open an exist file Office.FileDialog dlg = this.Application.get_FileDialog( Office.MsoFileDialogType.msoFileDialogOpen); dlg.Filters.Clear(); dlg.Filters.Add("Excel Files", "*.xls;*.xlw", Type.Missing); dlg.Filters.Add("All Files", "*.*", Type.Missing); ...
SeriesLines.Select Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Selects the object. C# 複製 public object Select (); Returns Object Applies to 產品版本 Excel primary interop assembly Latest ...
' MsgBox "您选择的文件夹是:" & .SelectedItems(1) SelectGetFolder = .SelectedItems(1) Else SelectGetFolder = "" End If End WithEnd Function '输入文件夹,返回数组=文件夹包含子文件夹列表Function GetAllFolderPath(sPath As String) Dim aRes, sarr, sDic, sFso, F, Mat Dim FileName$, n&,...
Select a cell next to the IP address to place the result. Click Finish. 3. The select all cells containing the IP addresses and the split cells, and click Data > Sort. 4. In the Sort dialog, clicking Add level to sort data from column B to E (the split cells). See screenshot: ...
Step 1: Select all the cells you want to merge. Step 2: Click the Merge and Center icon. Remember, this method of combining columns is not recommended as it may lose some data. Result after merging Pros: Easy and quick Cons: Losing of data, Inflexibility ...
=xlPasteAll '粘贴数据 ws.Cells(i, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths '粘贴列宽 End If...